Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Car Raid

There's a lot to learn about a person through their car. The way they keep it and the things in it can really each you about their personality. This past weekend Aly Steinle was interviewed about her car in order to learn more information on who she is and what she does.

The car was messy, filled with many of Steinle and her husbands belongings. Already the car has shown that Steinle is not very organized with her things. She has things scattered, but everything placed where she can remember and find them.

Some empty juiceland cups were found in the cup holders of her car.

Steinle explained, "Yeah, I'm kind of a health freak, so love that place because all they have is healthy stuff.

Steinle's diet was discovered just by some trash in her car. It is a very healthy diet. She's a vegan, and doesn't eat sweets every other month with her husband.

"I normally can't eat most of the sweets anyway, because I'm vegan and majority of the sweets have dairy, so my husband and I just decided to eat of and on months, because it's healthier and makes us feel better anyway."

After some more searching around through the car, lots of papers were found.

"Most of them are scripts. I'm super big into theater, so I've been involved in a lot of plays. All of those are just some old scripts," Steinle explains.

Steinle has been into theater for a long time. She just recently graduated from St. Edwards where she majored in musical theater. This summer she will be performing in the Zilker play, Shrek the musical.

Steinle also had several pieces of clothing lying around on the back seats.

"The other [clothes] are for me to change because I part time live in my car. Like half of my wardrobe is in here incase i need to change for work or rehearsal or work," Steinle says.

Just searching through Steinle's car has taught a lot about who she is. It explained her interest in theater, her diet, and how se keeps her things. A car is where a person spends a lot of their time, so i can teach a lot about them.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Movie review preview

Neighbors 2: Sorority rising: EW review

1) Entertainment Weekly
2) Leah Greenblatt
3) 7
4) It still has lots of hilarious moments that will make you laugh
5) It never really has any heartfelt moments and is only ever raunchy
6) The girls never develop cohesive personalities, and the slapstick-heavy script—credited, tellingly, to five different writers—quickly tosses out any semblance of pacing, pinballing from one raunchy punchline to the next. (The goofy sweetness of Rogen and Byrne’s interplay has also been sidelined, and the visual gags are a lot gaggier, in both senses of the word.) You’ll probably laugh hard more than once; Sorority Rising is still rich in bikinis and bong rips and boner jokes. It just doesn’t have much heart. C+

Jane Austen Fits Whit Stillman like a glove in the witty Love & Friendship

1) AV club
2) Mike D'Angelo
3) 8
4) The cast does very well and makes the audience have a lot of laughs
5) There wasn't much of story and it lacked emotion
6) The result sounds roughly 80 percent like her and 20 percent like him, a pretty delectable ratio. What’s lacking is the deft plotting and emotional complexity of Austen’s great works. There really isn’t much of a story here—the main question is whether Reginald will heed his sister’s warnings regarding Lady Susan or fall into her trap, and he’s too ill-defined as a character for the answer to seem consequential. It’s fun to watch Lady Susan bulldoze her way through 18th-century propriety, but an entire film of wry breeziness is a bit like a seven-course meal that’s all sumptuous desserts. There’s a reason why Austen left this manuscript in the trunk.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

CE 6.3

1) they had a counter sue an showed the video footage contradicting what the pastor said
2) The baby bison died, because people had interfered with it, assuming that it needed help, and when the rangers tried to bring it back, the mother had rejected it and it had to be put to sleep
3) Designs or icons that can be added to a picture when you're in that certain location to show where you are
4) He doesn't normally invest in the technology area so it was strange and unordinary
5) 1) captain america 2) jungle book 3) money monster 4) the darkness 5) mother's day

1) I would rather visit Harry Potter world because I'v always been so invested in it by reading the books and watching all of the movies. With it just being Harry potter world and not focused on a bunch like Disney world, it has so many of the detailed things that are in the series that you can buy and feel a part of Hogwarts.
2) The competition is eating up , because harry potter world is beginning to make more money and threatening Disney World
3) My favorite Disney Character is is Woody from toy story because I love those movies and he's aways been my favorite because he has been the leader of them forever
4) I would belong to Gryffindor, because I would obviously want to follow in the footsteps of the greatest wizards ever.

Merger Photo

Friday, May 13, 2016

HDR photo

Merger photo

1) you could not spread out enough in each different picture and get some of you in another picture too
2) Out front in front of the wall
3) stand at different heights
4) not really anything would change the difficulty because its pretty easy to do

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Final Exam Planning

1. When will you shoot this assignment?
Next weekend
2. Where will you shoot?
My house
3. What will you be documenting or telling your "story" about?
Making a brownie bomb (dessert) 
4. What equipment needs will you have to get this finished?
brownie mix, ice cream, oven, freezer, camera, microphone, iMovie 
5. Make sure to describe the process, by this I mean, where will you use the video portion, where will you use still images, where will your narration be, etc?
I'm going to start with Pictures of the brownie mix and then adding the ingredients into it with a new picture for each new ingredient. I'll then stir the mix and that'll be a small video. Then I'll put them in the oven with probably a small video. I'll take them out again with a small video and show mushing them into the bowl with several pictures of mushing more and more to the sides. After that's done, I'll take the cream out and add a scoop with each new picture. Then I'll put it in to freezer and wait over night. The next day I'll take it out and add hot fudge with a video of pouring it and adding sprinkles and whip cream. I'll end with cutting a side and taking the first bite.

Monday, May 9, 2016

HDR photography intro

1) In between each shot, you'll have to change the exposure manually
2) Camera, tripod, HDR photo blending software
3) To show accurately in a picture what the scene really looked like from your eyes
4) We can see a much more sharp photo and the different amounts of light or color in different parts of the picture 

Movie review project

Captain Phillips review
In the movie 'Captain Phillips,' Tom Hanks plays the main character, Captain Phillips as the captain of the ship Maersk Alabama. The plot of the movie starts with Captain Phillips getting ready to go on a trip to Africa to transport food and cargo to the people there. Phillips arrives at his ship and they take off for the African coast. Not too long into the journey, he speaks with his righthand man, Shane Murphy, played by Michael Chernus, and they talk about the area they'll be traveling through which includes a spot containing lots of piracy along the Somali coast. They soon spotted two small boats following them. The pirates caught up to them and used ladders to aboard the ship. The pirates soon got to the Captain and had guns up to them demanding money. The crew eventually got ahold of the head pirate, Muse, played by Barkhad Abdi, and demanded to have their captain in exchange. The pirates agreed, and they would leave in a lifeboat on the ship, but during the trade they pushed Phillips in their ship and took off. In the lifeboat, the others pirates, Bilal, played by Barkhad Abdirahman, Najee, played by Faysal Ahmed, and Elmi, played by Mahat M. Ali, follow Muse's directions to keep Phillips alive to get more money from the US in exchange. This movie not only shows Phillips weakness, but also the pirates at the core and that it was something they had to do for survival. A theme showed in this movie would definitely just be the competition for survival in such poor countries like Somalia. This movie would fit viewers 13 and up, because it can get very intense and sad in ways that kids younger than 13 may not understand the whole extremity of it. This movie is very intense and really shows in the scenes how brutal the events really were. The ensemble effort sets it all up to make the audience feel as though they are there witnessing the event. It is a great film that hit me hard with lots of emotion. If I had to rate it, I would give it a 10 out of 10.

CE 6.2

1) 56 percent
2)a provision that says a license holder carrying a semi-automatic handgun on campus cannot have a chambered round of ammunition. 
3) If he stays there, the Mexican gov is risking that he could escape and if he did that would be horrible on the Mexican gov
4) A camera connected to an app for owners to check on and play with their pets while they're away from home.
5) nyquist

Yes, I have used Lyft and Uber both. I've used them many times with my friends to get places when no parents are available. Some experiences were better than others where the drivers were more friendly and engaged in conversation whereas others were just silent, or some had snacks for grabs or chargers, but really at the end of the day i didn't really care because we had a ride to where we wanted to go. I think ride share is a very good thing for our community, because it can help the citizens get to places if they don't have rides which is a huge help seeing as how big our city is, so walking isn't normally an option. It also can help on nights when people can't drive themselves home because they've been drinking, so it can prevent accidents happening because people will have another option to get home. Using the ride sharing opposed to taxis is nicer, because it's just linked to your credit or debit card, so you never even have to worry about having cash on you. You can also see who your driver is so that you know your getting in the right car and that your driver is someone your comfortable with. I don't think they should be held to the same standards regarding safety, because the ride sharing shows you the car you're getting into, your driver and what they're rated so that you can know a little who you're riding with. 

Monday, April 25, 2016

Movie prep

1) Captain Phillips, the pirates, the marine rescuer team
2) The plot of the story will probably start out right before they're a boarding the ship and introducing the different men that will be on the boat. The story will then lea onto the boat ride and everything fine and normal. They will then realize they trouble of the pirates attacking and a lot of action will start.
The pirates will capture the captain, and the crew will attempt to get him back and fail. Then, it will show the horrible days and how awful they are to Captain Phillips. It will probably be switching back and forth the boat scenes and men that are trying to rescue him. In the end, the rescue team will kill the men and rescue the captain.
3) It was a very huge event, because that isn't a normal thing that happens in everyday life with Americans.
4) The pirates wanted to steal the ship and what was on it most likely.

Movie research
1) Tom Hanks, Barkhad Abdi, Faysal Ahmed, Mahat M. Ali, Catherine Keener
2) PG13
3) Paul Greengrass
4) Kevin Spacey
5) BAFTA award, American Cinema editors, American film institute, 2 Black reel awards, London films critics circle award, Golden reel award, San diego film critics society
6) $218.8 million
7) 93% on rotten tomatoes
8) New York Times said that it was  a "jittery thriller even as it also deepens, brilliantly, unexpectedly, into an unsettling look at global capitalism and American privilege and power."

Thursday, April 21, 2016

CE 6.1

1) hariet tubman
2) They're tying teachers teaching performance on students outcomes
3) 8
4) The program that romotes interest in science
5) layout, paint, window treatments, lights

This story surprised me a lot. Water is something that we all need, and they put so many peoples' lives in danger by not doing their job well. I hand' heard about this before now, but it scares me that this is happening and so many people could be poisoned when they think they're just taking a sip of water. The people that knew they were poisoning should definitely be punished. They were hurting people knowingly and that should put them in jail. I think if it were to get to the government that the people who knew about it should be punished more, but the ones who worked it should still be punished for not doing a good job like being fired or something.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

free write

The most beautiful smile I ever saw happened after a very rough day. I think that's maybe part of why it was one of the most beautiful smiles, because amidst all of the struggling I had just gone through in my day, I was reminded of the happiness people can feel.

I was going through a hard time with a bunch of my friends and questioning whether they even were my friends at the moment and struggling a lot with my grades. In fact, I was just coming from taking a test that I was quite sure I had bombed.

I was so ready to just finally leave school and forget about all that had happened in my my day and throw it behind me, but I had to sit and wait longer to wait for parents because I am still a child who isn't capable of driving herself home. As I was waiting, I saw one of my friends. He was on of the friends that you're not quite sure whether to say hi and you just take turns looking to see if the other is looking to wave, but you just end up going through a very awkward moment. But, there was no one else there so why not talk to him. We talked for a while as he sat and waited for his girlfriend and me for my mom.

After a conversation full of dumb questions just to keep from awkward silence, his girlfriend shows up. I really am thinking nothing of it because it's just another person out of the three thousand something at our massive high school, but I soon learned that she would not just be another person in my life.

Right away from me being introduced by her boyfriend to her, she shows so much joy and smiling.  She talks to me with so much enthusiasm as if I'm her best friend that she hasn't seen in years, and yet, we had just met. She had so much energy and a fun attitude towards absolutely everything. She soon made me forget that I was even in a bad mood. Even after I had left and gone home, my good mood continued.

I think that's what life is about, honestly. Living it all in such a positive way and showing joy to others. I think people should live it happy and kind to where others are excited when they see them. So, I made a decision my self to live that way. I'll live everyday as happy and grateful as I can, and maybe I'll impact some people like the one girl did to me. And although maybe I'll never see her again, I thank her for showing me a better way to live and showing me her beautiful smile.

Photo illustrator pt 2

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Lone star dispatch issue #5

Front Page: PALS mentor elementary students
PALS travel to different elementary schools to mentor the students. They hang out with them and spend time with them. The PALS help the students fell good and happy, while the PALees also help the PALS learn about themselves through the way they're teaching the kids.
What: The job of a PAL and what they do
When: all this year
Where: Elementary schools
Why: To be a mentor to the elementary students
How: traveling to different schools an meeting with them
Who was quoted in the story: Amy Cox, Alejandro Garcia, Macy Harman
What quote was the strongest in your opinion: "seeing my PALees make more friends and become more confident in themselves has been extremely meaningful to me as they demonstrate strength and motivate me to step out of my comfort zone too." I think it is the strongest because it explains why they do what they do and that the PALS learn from their PALees too and it helps in both ways.
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading: Yes, because it kind of gave an idea of what they did, and then explained their name and makes you want to know more about how they do that.
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement: quote

Student life: Freshman prepares for school life across the sea
Maya Levee wants to be an exchange student in spain. She is very interested in their culture and wants to be fluent in spans so she thinks it would be good. She has to go through along process still. Her friends explain how it would be good for her and that she will be missed.
Who: Maya Levee
What: applying for an exchange program in spain
When: for maybe a gap year or semester
Where: spain
Why: She wants to be fluent in spanish  and loves the culture
How: applying for an exchange program
Who was quoted in the story: Maya Levee, Andrew Chahda, Sophie Bega, Jean Frazier
What quote was the strongest in your opinion: "I want to apply to study in spain because I really love the culture and I want to be completely fluent in spanish" because it gives her motivation to why she wants to do this
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading: Yes, because I think being an exchange student would be so fun and a great experience, and I know Maya and I didn't know she wanted this.
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement: quote

News: Seniors receive nostalgia with four-year-old letters
Freshman year, seniors had to write a letter to themselves for when they were seniors about what was going on freshman year in their life. The seniors just now got their letters from themselves and discovered a lot about themselves. They realized how much they have matured and gotten through the hard times that were going on in their life at the time.
Who: Seniors
What: Senior letters they wrote to themselves freshman year
When: freshman year
Where: Bowie
Why: to see how much they've changed and what they accomplished through high school
How: The teachers gave them the assignment freshman year and held the letters for them
Who was quoted in the story: Shari Blevins, Kandice Cox, Angelica Saenz
What quote was the strongest in your opinion:"I think the students get to see how mature they have become and I think they get to see how ready for the world they are." This quote explains why the letters are written and what the seniors realize when they read their letters
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading: Yes, because I am going through freshman year right now and I just went through the beginning process of writing the letter and it makes me excited for when I read my letter
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement: statement

Sports: Softball team is still undefeated
The softball team firs are still undefeated. They are the first to be and it is great for them. They are close together as a team and it really helps them n the field. They wasn't to continue to work hard to keep the streak going.
Who: Bowie softball team
What: they are undefeated
When: this season
Where: bowie
Why: they want to continue to move on
How: They work together, practice hard, and win the game
Who was quoted in the story: Alex Mclennan, Kaley Farnish, Liz Wissel
What quote was the strongest in your opinion: "I can go to them with my problems and it helps on the field because I can trust them when thy tell me to do something." It explains that they have a close reetionship and how it helps them succeed.
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading: Yes, it draws you in because it doesn't fully explain how history is made so you have to continue reading
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement:quote

Entertainment: The starlight theatre company jumps into spring with a plethora of shows
Starlight theater is going to UIL. They are bringing several plays to perform and get judged on. The students explain the stress and anxiety of it all and what it is about.
Who: Starlight theatre company
What: UIL season for theater
When: right now during spring semester
Where: Various high schools
Why: to compete and perform what they have been working on and show off their skill
How: several plays taken to UIL to compete
Who was quoted in the story: John Guare, Betsey Cornwell, Paige Bradbury, Emma Haschke, Jackson Walker, Marco Bazan, Courtney Hall, Nicholas Garza
What quote was the strongest in your opinion: "As a team I hope that we advance, in an ideal world all the way to state, but that is very difficult, I just hope that we get further than we did last year which was the third round." I think this is strongest because it explains their motivation for UIL
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading: Yes, because it explains all they have to do and I'm very interested in theater.
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement: Statement

Commentary: Social Media, Back at it again
The damn daniel video that two boys filmed went viral and a lot come from it. After becoming famous and going on elle, daniel donated his lifetime supplies of shoes to an organization. The author explains how it's nice that he used his fame to help people.
Who: The Damn Daniel guys, Daniel and Josh
What: Snapchat videos becoming famous
When: durning school when he would record videos
Where: school
Why: He thought it was funny and it became a huge thing
How: It got wall over the internet and everyone saw it.
Who was quoted in the story:
What quote was the strongest in your opinion: "Josh and I are stoked by all this. Thank you guys" it shows that Daniel is happy about all of this fame
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading: Not really just because I've heard so much about damn daniel already
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement: statement

In depth: A shift in political apathy?
Donald Trump has shifted politics to a younger level too. He has interacted much more with social media like having his own twitter. Its caused a lot more of younger people to want to vote during this election because its much different from other elections.
Who: Donald Trump
What: His social media use interesting young voters
When: this presidential election
Where: US
Why: For more people to vote during the election
How: By getting to them through what they're always on: twitter
Who was quoted in the story: no one
What quote was the strongest in your opinion: no quote
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading: Yes, because this presidential election is different than others like he said
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement: statement

1)My favorite photo is of Chris Lomelli from Guitar strings bring forth passion
1A) I like that its taken in a location other than school, because it shows its something he loves to do outside of school too
1B) rule of thirds
2) The photo of the winners of Bowie idol
2A) you can't really even see one of the winners even though thy should be the main topic
3) Even though photographers didn't take these photos, my favor thing to take pictures of if it was possible would be the article of Andrea traveling to Rwanda because thats very interesting especially because its so different.
4) I think the photography was good in this newspaper. The photographers used a lot of good photo tips and tools.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

CE 5.3

1) schools would be funded by the cry and save a bunch of money
2) by 2022
3) villanova 77-74
4) New Zealand, because it's gorgeous and I've always wanted to go there
5) I don't really mind the idea of it. I definitely have wanted to post a longer video before, but I wouldn't want people to post dumb, long videos n my feed, but I can just skip them so I don't really mind

Short answer: I haven't really kept up with all of the debates to have a super song opinion on a person for president, but I have heard enough to have an opinion about some things. I know that Trump, Clinton, and Sanders are in. I don't think this country is becoming more united. I think election time brings out th worst in people, because we're all disagreeing and no one takes it well. Everyone running talks horribly about the other candidates, and our country definelty gets more divided.  The president is in charge of making all of the people in the country feel safe and sound in our country and lead us to a united country, and thats why I don't believe trump should be. He is trying to convince us that we'll be safe by him kicking everyone but white people out, but that would be tearing our country apart. I think Sanders could be a good president with the equality view, but I disagree with some things like the money disrubution with taxes. Its good I'm not voting, because i still don't really know and eel like no one could really for sure be president.

I haven't really been watching Walking dead, but all of my friends have said that it was Glen. Some other's have the theory of Aaron, but I think it would be more of a main character since it was the end of the season and they made a big deal about it. Many of my friends brought it down to Glen nd Darrell.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Sports Current Event

2) Elgin's Wright adds to family legacy
3) Selena Wright was brought up by a family of winning hurdlers. They've taught her well and she's signed to hurdle and is competing this weekend.
4) split-negative means they ran faster, even means they ran the same
5)great leader, determination, hungry to improve
6) Feature, it explains that she will be competing, but majority of it explains about her and her when she hurdles and her attitude towards it
7) wins, losses ex) winning 100 yd hurdle for women

Sports exploration activity

1) soccer
2) arsenal

3) 3rd right now in english Premier league standings behind tottenham and leicester city. Behind them is Man. city and West Ham
4) In the English Premier League they have had 16 wins and 7 losses. They're in 3rd-4th place in the playoffs in the English FA cup. In 2015 Chelsea won the English Premier League.
5)  1. All players but the goalie cannot use their hands 2. Immediate foul for any attempt at tackling, tripping, fighting, etc. another player. 3. A goal is scored when the ball goes through the goal and into the net.
6) juggling- keeping the ball off the ground without using the the hands or the arms
cards- when you get a foul is can be a yellow card or a red card. A yellow card is shown to you as a warning saying you've done something wrong. It is a warning card. A red card immediately puts the player out of the rest of the game, because his actions were even more intense than just a yellow card, and the game must continue with only 10 players.
kickoff- start or restart of a game when the ball is thrown in
7) "stepping up to the plate" meaning its up to the player to decide if he's gonna step up and win this
8) Lionel Messi
birthplace: Rosario, Argentina
 School: Barcelona Youth academy and then moved to Spanish Football federation
Teams played for: Barcelona Argentina
Records set: most goals scored at the club world cup, most official boas in a calendar year,

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Other high school newspapers

1) I like the tiger hunt, because they turned the picture black and white but stood out their subject in color
2) he tiger print, because of the color in the black and white
3) Let me speak,because it is very simple across the page but means a lot
4) 2
5) their subtitles reach the end of the column
6) they place them in different patterns on how many columns they take up and where they put their big photo or no photo at all
7) yes, somewhat similar, but a lot of the titles on the ones around the world stood out more to me

Newspaper Introduction

1) I like the Marshfield, WI newspaper cover, because it incorporated several photos to form the cover photo
2) The Storm closes schools, disrupts lives interested me, because its not really what we get a lot here in austin about snow storms and its interesting to read about in my opinion
3) 3
4) majority have one biggest photo on the first story and they have a one column story to the side along with one or two others below the first
5) The different titles have different fonts, and some have bigger size fonts for titles and subtitles

Monday, March 21, 2016

Spring Break

The friday we got out of school I went over to my friends house where we had a bonfire and just hung out to celebrate the beginning of spring break. I also felt absolutely horrible, because I decided to eat all of the most unhealthy food in the world in those couple hours of the night. The next day I decided to try a juice cleanse because of my horrible eating the night before which lasted about 3 hours where I joined my friends at them mall and ate good food. Some advice: don't do juice cleanses. They're terrible. I had accepted that I was going to do a lot of eating on this break. I mean why not? It can be a break from healthy eating too. That night my friends and I hung out and stayed up for one of my friends birthday. The next day, a group of friends got together and went on a boat on the lake for my friends birthday. It was so much fun. It was super relaxing really which was great, because I had been going and going so it was nice to jut rest in the sun. The water was very, very cold, but I numbed up to it along with some others that could stand staying in the water. Majority of the day though was just resting on the boat. We just listened to music, and surprise surprise: we ate more food. After the boat fun, we drove to Hulu Hut and yes food. It was fun to catch up with some friends from other schools. After dinner, we drove back to the birthday girl's house and hung out with a couple more people to continue the celebration. The next day I went home for a little since I had not been home since friday, and my mom likes to remember I exist every once in a while. I just hung out there for the day and then met up with my friend and walked to the 360 bridge which was supposed to be followed by us going camping, but apparently you aren't allowed to go camping in a greenbelt, so since parents exist, the plans fell through and I just ended up meeting some new friends and then going home to my friends house. The next day, my mom came and picked me up and we went to an event at SXSW that her friend puts on every year. It was actually a really fun time. I hadn't seen her friend in years, and he used to be a regular in my life, so it was fun to catch up and see him. Other than that, I heard a couple awesome new bands which I added to my spotify before I even got home. Once we got back home, my mom made us dinner, and I showed her my favorite movie. I don't really think she liked it as much as I wanted her to, but since she's my mother she had to tell me she loved it to make me feel good. The next day, my oldest brother picked me up and took me to lunch. Ever since he got married in December, I haven't been able to see him as much. I discovered one of my new favorite sandwiches and had a nice talk with him. My relationship with each of my siblings is very different and unique, and mine and my oldest brother is very silly, but my brother can be very serious, so it's fun to make sure we still have those rare moments of serious. I then went to my friends house and just hung out and learned of a new TV show to add to my never-ending list of shows that I'll probably never get to watch fully through. That night, I went home to my dad's since I hadn't seen them since before break started and it was already half way over. Once I got home, I resumed my Harry Potter marathon that I had started when I was sick a week before when FreeForm played all 8 of the movies, and I just now had more time to watch the rest. By the end of the night, I had one more movie to go. The next day, I went to kayaking with some friends and learned that kayaking is not some of my friends specialty after watching an hour of them zig zagging across the water. We then went back to my friend's house and cancelled our meet up plans to watch movie with some friends and had them over instead because of the insanely loud storm going on outside. My parents then picked me up again that night, and I finished my last Harry Potter movie. Then next day nothing really happened until that night where I went to my friend's who threw a little end of spring break party. The next morning I went to church and then to a family friend's wedding. It was super fun to finally see them together after routing for them for three years. I then had to sleep early because of the dreadful remembrance of something I had never thought about all break. School.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Magazine Peer Review

a) daily life by darcy k
b) I like that its a silhouette. it really stands out to me, and the text color works well with the picture
c) you could make your title larger because there's lots of room for it to be even bigger, and you could  maybe make your subtitles bolder to pop more
d) I liked that the main subject is just a silhouette so a large portion is black, but it stands out because its so light behind
e) yes yes and yes
f) yes because the picture interests me but i would more likely there was a bigger title
g) yes

Magazine Peer Review

a) Austin Dog monthly by katie ash
b) I like the picture that was chosen, and that the subtitles give page numbers
c) maybe make a couple more of the subtitles the pink color too to balance it out or just keep them all orange
d) that there was a dog on the cover and dogs interest me because they're something I like
e) Yes yes and yes
f) yes, just because dog interest me

Magazine Peer Review

a) musical minds
b) the colors used for text fit well, the title wraps behind the head
c) maybe use a different color on the bottom red writing, because its hard to read "live"
d) I really liked the color use. It all fit really well and was kind of like a spring feel and I liked it
e) yes yes and yes
f) yes, the title stands out really well and the color is a pretty color that is different too for people to notice
g) yes portrait

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

CE 5.1

1) Clinton- 67% and Cruz- 41%
2) 600
3) supporting the phase 3 trail, and expand with other new drugs
4) 6th annual republic of jack party and Jack Allens kitchen
5) Baylor girls beat UT girls, Kansas boys beat UT boys

1) No, I don't think it is right, because first of all the company belongs to Apple, so they are the ones in control of their products. Also, that is a major invasion of privacy into a hue majority of the US, and citizens should feel free to  be comfortable and not worried because it's possible for people to see what they do on their phone.
2) No, i wouldn't want anyone to access the information on my phone. I have conversations with people on my phone and jet for people to think that they're free to just see people's personal lives and information isn't okay.
3) Yes, I think if there is a very big case where the FBI is trying to find information, then they can look on someone's phone if they are a suspect for being guilty. I think it kind of depends on situations.
4) No, my parents don't really check my phone. They trust me for the most part.
5) No, I don't think parents should do that to their children. I think that parents should be able to trust their child, because then the kid can feel like their parents do trust them because if straight off the bat a parent doesn't trust their kd, the kid can be hurt by it. I think if the kid were to show reason to why their parent shouldn't treat them, then I think it would be okay.
6) I think the age is getting younger and younger nowadays because technology is becoming a bigger thing, but I would say getting a phone should be like middle school. The kids still need time to experience some childhood before diving into their phones all day.

Friday, February 19, 2016

CE 4.4

1) Basically hacking into every apple users' phone
2) Carnitine
3) They are fighting for business with Amazon
4)  For some schools it costs more to travel throughout the austin traffic
5) headsets

1) I learned there were two different groups that vote. It's causing problems for them because it is off balance so there's ties.
2) Antonin Scalia recently died.
3) Ye, I do, because this problem is defeating the point of the two different groups. If its now uneven, the votes are always going to be the same direction, and they need the even amount.
4) No, I am not.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

lone star dispatch issue 4

'A new Policy for Transfers takes effect'
Who? -AISD
What? -New transfer policy
When? -Starting next school year
Where? -AISD including Bowie
Why?- to help with overcrowding
How? -limiting transfers to schools only if they have space
Quoted- Andri Lyons, Jessica Torrez, Michaela Gero
Strongest quote- "If we had not gotten the transfer, we are zoned for Akins, s if this new policy takes effect, my brothers junior year might be at Akins."
First Sentence- Yes, it did make me want to keep reading, because this policy has to do with Bowie and I wanted to see the new rules they have and what its going to effect.
Conclusion- statement

Lyles brings laughs with her vines about teenage problems
Who? - Mikaela Lyles
WHat?- her vines that she creates
When? - this year
WHere?- on vine
Why?- for fun and amusement
How?- the app allows others to post vines for anyone to see
Quoted- Mikayla Lyles, Bryanna Feamster, Sahaj Mann, Samantha Jimenez, Vicki Hebert
Stromgest Quote- "when you're bored, you can watch six second videos and still be entertained for a while."
First sentence- It didn't really draw me in, no. I thought it was a little random of a sentence so that might draw some people in, but I don't exactly get how it even related to the whole story.
Conclusion- statement

Mr. Bulldog to be held
Who?- Drake Touve'
What?- Mr.Bulldog competiton
When?- February 13
Where? Bowie High school
Why? a fun event put on by the school for the junior and senior boys to compete to be mr.bulldog just for fun
How? Bowie holds the competition every year
Quoted- Drake Touve, James Ellerbrock
Strongest Quote- Most people train and exercise, but I take a different approach and exercise my brain, that's where the real magic comes from"
First Sentence- Yes, it did draw me in, especially because I knew what the event was already. i thought it was a good start to the stoy because its explaining one of the contestants an the pressure of only one winner
Conclusion- Statement

Boys basketball shoots to be the best in the district
Who? Boys Varsity Basketball
What? second in district
When? This past season
Where? basketball
Why? They won seven out of eight games and won second
How? They won 7 out of 8
Quoted- Coach Collier, Coach Ingram, Josh Wainwright, Andrew Miller
Strongest Quote- "You've got a bunch of JV guys who've moved up from different spots, and they're just doing an outstanding job"
First sentence Yes, because basketball interests me.
Conclusion- quote

Silver Stars Continue to practice throughout the year
Who?- Silver stars
WHat?- their spring season
WHen? this season
Where? Bowie and their competitions
Why? They still have a lot to do when football ends
How? Competitons are held very often and their wrk is never done
Quoted- Ms.allison, Kendall Franz, Lynsey Gagner, Morgan Andrews
Strongest quote- "My favorite part about it is getting to perform to an audience and really commit to the story behind out dances. It is also refreshing to see our teams hard irk show out on the floor at contest."
First Sentence- Yeah, it just gives a good Idea of what I'll e racing which i good
COnclusion- quote

Friday, February 12, 2016

Magazines Part II

Early Magazine covers

Made differently than normal, and really just focus on putting titles and table of contents. Some copies looked more like book covers. They later added pictures or more like drawings to some on the covers. These types were very simple and most in black and white.

The Poster Cover

This kind of cover introduced magazines that put artists' drawings on the front of their magazines. These covers would normally take up the whole page almost like posters. There weren't many words included on the front. There was normally just the title and a short explanation of what it was about.

Pictures married to type

These covers really focused on the balance between their words and their main focus (the model/picture) They would include a model a lot of the time and they would somewhat "interact" with it by overlapping it, and all around the model would be the titles and writing to stories in the magazine, and they would kind of shape the model and just go all around them.

In the Forest of words

This cover deals with a lot of words to draw people in with their words. They would create different poses and photos too to also draw them in. They would include lots of titles, and some even larger than the title. In these, a lot of the time the words overlap some of the image.

My Favorite Cover

Harper's Bazaar, March 2014, Lady Gaga
"Eyes closed, surrounded by a cut-out Carolina Herrera neckpiece, Lady Gaga looks like she's ready to explode. Photographed by Terry Richardson, what compels about the cover is both the graphics and the rare stillness of a superstar. Here, cut-out means a knockout."

I really like this photo, because it focuses in onto the girl's face, but not in such a plain way. It still all angles in to show what the subject is, but the rest of the picture still has a contribution and a flare. They make her look very white, but it kind of adds to the snowflake type design, as if she were the center of it. They are trying to show the uniqueness of each individual superstar, and I think it's cool the way they explain it. Like snowflakes, they're all so much different. The way they decorate the picture really draws your attention and it's very pleasing to the eye.

Best Magazine covers 2015

1)advocate - formal
2)wired - informal
3)espn the magazine - environmental
4) The new Yorker, Derek Jetter Bows out - environmental
5) OUT Michael sam - formal
6) Bazaar Lady Gaga- formal
7) ESPN Venus Williams- formal/environmental
8) New York Spring Fashion - formal
9) The atlantic, why kids sext _ environmental
10) Family fun, road trip - environmental
11) Bazaar - formal
12) Vanity fair, Jennifer Lawrence -formal
13) Variety, Bill murray - informal
14)New York, health - informal
15) Mens health - formal
16) Bloomberg Buisness Week - formal
17) Golf digest, Jimmy Fallon- enviornmental
18) Kinfolk- environmental

Magazine Tips

1) images appeal
2) arousing curiosity
3) interesting
4) easy to scan
5) worth the investment of money and time

Monday, February 8, 2016

prompt shoot 2




CE 4.3

1) Zika is in Travis Country, It's linked to birth defects, it has been found accretive in saliva and urine, pregnant women are at risk, there's no vaccine for zika
2) They have an experiment to use more renewable energy, and they're putting in a huge solar plant
3) electrician, plumber, massage therapist
4) Denver Broncos 24-10
5) Cynthia Lee rides on the oil can harry's float in the 2013 gay pride parade in austin

1) My favorite was pedal through the powder, because it;s just a pretty simple picture. It's all white, and then an older man is just riding a bike through all of the snow. I find it a little silly honestly.
2) I think probably an interesting photo would be shadow dancing. I always knew about groundhog day, it's just so weird to see that people actually participate with a groundhog to say whether it;s spring or winter. I find it so random.
3) The most boring picture is probably counted by hand. It does get a little more interesting as you read what the sheets of paper are, but overall just if you're judging if it's pleasing to the eye, it pretty boring looking.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Self Portraits

2. Play with Eye Contact

3. Break the Rules of Composition

Casual portrait

I chose this picture, because it has a lot of simplicity and even though the main subject isn't the lake, it still really shows in the back but still has simple in the front.

Environmental portrait

I like this picture, because it's simple and how its taken and shows the length of the guitar down to the man that plays it.

self portrait

I like this picture, because it makes the boy fit into the background, and they blend the dark with dark and light with light and then right at the horizon it changes with it.

1) an environmental photo is a picture of the subject in their environment where they're comfortable
2) a casual portrait is a picture with just a simple background and a simple picture and an environmental digs a little deeper into the subjects personal life and is taken in their comfortable environment.
3) get good lighting and a good area 

Friday, January 29, 2016

Free Write

There are three children sitting on a log near a stream. One of them looks up at the sky and says...

"What is life all about? What will become of me? I wonder what's bona happen. There's so much life left to live. I have so much to experience. My life has just begun and I want to learn and live. I want to see the world and have a family that loves each other. The kind that may get in fights, but only to make up because they're minor and they love each other too much to stay mad. I want to really truly know who I am. To find my identity and what my destiny is. Not because of what someone tells me to be or because I have role models and follow in their footsteps, but I want to find me. The only me there will ever be. To go through the worst times and the best, and to learn from it all. To grow everyday and learn about myself through it all. I want to fall in love. I want to fell so strongly about a person and not even know what to do with all of the love I have for them. Maybe we don't say together, But I'll have the experience. I'll have had experienced being in love and really learning to love another. The thought of life is exciting, which is why the thought of death is that much scarier. All of the dreams I have are to last an entire lifetime, but what if I don't live long enough to see it all? Death takes it all away just like that. What if I never see the world? Or have a family? Or fall in love? I'll die before I even start to live. Life is so exciting, but so easy to lose."

"No Brooklyn," says another on the log, Paige. "You can't treat death like that. We're here on earth living. We have a life that we can live. Yes, maybe can lose this life, but we haven't yet. Our life is here right now, so live it while you can. You don't know about ten ears, or one year, or even tomorrow, but you've got right now, so live it as fun and freely as you can. Don't give death the option to take you before you begin to live. Start to live right now. You can't think of death as something to hold you back, but as something to push you forward and encourage you to live."

Brooklyn remembered that night and what Paige had told her. She went out and lived her life just as she wanted, and when death came, she did not fear it because she knew that she lived her life well and to all she ever wanted from it.

Monday, January 25, 2016

photo manipulation and ethics

A. This story explains the crops that photographers have done on photos that are unacceptable to do. It explains them sometimes make it look more dramatic or different than what was really happening. The photographers would be fired, but not everyone learns their lesson until it happens to them.

B. This type of cropping and photo editing isn't allowed, because the news is supposed to give all facts, and editing pictures can make others assume that what happened was either more or less intense than it was, and the news needs to say the whole truth.

I think this photo was unacceptable, because it is making this man seem even more black than he is just for an intense story, but they don't have to lie about his skin.

I think this photo was acceptable, because it was just changing a feature to make her teeth look better which really isn't going to affect much.

Composition part 2 and discussion

symmetry and patterns- in this photo there is a building on both sides of the smoke showing symmetry 
Viewpoint- This photo was taken from below to show the boy holding his paper high.

depth- This photo has various layers to it because of the smoke all around it that you notice and in the middle of it all is a building that you can see, so it just depends on what you focus on

cropping- the photographer cropped this picture to just show this woman to kid of take off all of the surrounding intensity to just show the intensity of her

Thursday, January 21, 2016

CE 4.2

1) 83,591
2) swapping land
3) rose quartz an serenity
4) no, I don't really. I think its cool, just kind of random, but I mean if people like it or it calms them then they can do that and I think it's good they've found something they really enjoy.
5) The mass gallery's stay cation, because I think it's cool how they play around with the shapes and the color. I think that would be cool to see their different art

Scientists think part of the cause is the large El nino that took place. Of course also all of the greenhouse gases obviously are contributing a lot to increasing global warming. A consequence because of global warming are more rainstorms. I really don't worry about global warming. I know it is very bad and getting worse I just never really think about it much, because I guess I'm used o heat all of the time and so it doesn't worry me that much. As a whole we could start to do more to keep the earth's air good by public transportation and other things that will help and not hurt the atmosphere. Yes, I definitely think global warming is a major issue. Our seasons will start to morph together, sand our atmosphere will not be a fun and the most happy home.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

9/11 Photography


rule of thirds


symmetry and patterns- in this photo there is a building on both sides of the smoke showing symmetry 
Viewpoint- This photo was taken from below to show the boy holding his paper high.

depth- This photo has various layers to it because of the smoke all around it that you notice and in the middle of it all is a building that you can see, so it just depends on what you focus on

cropping- the photographer cropped this picture to just show this woman to kid of take off all of the surrounding intensity to just show the intensity of her

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Current Events Quiz 4.1

1) break up note, retrospective, social push, tee up for democrats, austin represented
2) He was going to have a "secret meeting" with the drug lord so he got his location
3) Heroes, Ziggy Startdust, Blackstar
4) $1.4 billion
5) I think it sounds really cool, but no. I'm just not a huge fan of star wars so I wouldn't want to go, but for fans of Star wars I think that sounds like something they wold like.

1) Yes, I would buy one. I mean if there is somewhat a percentage, why not just do it for fun?
2) No, I don't.
3) I would probably just like the lady said in the story first of all jus because everyone made a huge deal about it, so why not see. I would also once again just do it, because you never know and its just fun. Nothing bad comes out of it.
4) I would definitely spend a lot of my money towards traveling. I would go to every continent, and many places inside. I really want to travel, and the biggest problem is money, so I would be set. I would also for sure give a lot to my family so that they could be set, and never have to worry. When I travel, I would help to get stuff for the people that don't have as much stuff as us, almost kid of like donating but actually go there and help do it my self and really get to know all of the people.
5) If i came in third, I would probably still do a lot of what I just said. I would still travel a lot, and help as many people and counties as I could. I really don't understand the concept of having so much money, so I would first just sit down and see what I could do and what I should save.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Lone star Dispatch Issue 3

News- Elementary kids take on science experiments
 - On science day, kids from various elementary school came to Bowie and participated in different experiments. There were a bunch of different stations supervised by teachers and bowie students, and each contained a different experiment for the kids.
  - Jill Harding, Maura Evans, and Angelica Agulair
  - I thought Angelica Agulair's quote was important, because it lets the readers know that the experience for the kids stays with them, and that it really interests them
  - The lead sentence didn't really hook me in just because I'm not really into science that much, but it might hook others in more.
  - quote

Commentary- Science Fair is getting too competitive for students
  - The writer thinks that science fair should be optional or extra credit for students, because what they are learning doesn't help everyone in the long run. He also thinks it because it is drawn out across 6 different test grades and it's not really fair to make all of that so many grades.
  - no quotes
  - no quotes
  - Yes it did
  - statement

Student Life- Pet Rescue Strikes a cord with a pair of animal lovers
  - Two students volunteered at a shelter for cats. They talk about their responsibilities and why they do what they do.
  - Alex Reyes, Fuaad Ajaz
  - "Sometimes the mother cats pass away but the owners home the one that we have are usually young."
  - no, because you basically knew all about it by reading the first sentences.
  - quote

Entertainment- In review: Mockingjay Part 2
  - the writer describes the movie Mockingjay and their opinion on it. It describes Katniss's journey in the war and lithe opinions in-between.
  - no quotes
  - no quotes
  - yes
  - statement

Athletics- Lacrosse sticks it to the opponents
  - It's about boys and girls lacrosse team season coming up. It talks about what they are looking forward to and what the coaches are expecting.
  - Patrick Moran, Sam Portillo, Kylie Parkins, Coach Doak, Lexie Curtis, Zach Mantley
  - "Every Player is important as the next. we are only as strong as our weakest link."

In Depth Story- Students Celebrate the holiday season in different ways, but with similar spirit
  - The story talks about the different holidays celebrated in different religions. It talks about Hanukkah, Ramadan, and Christmas and that we should all still accepting of all religions.
  - Sam Searles, Andy Moe, Nour El Houda Remli
  - "I love how people are so into Christmas Spirit" because it shows they all are still supportive of other celebrations and traditions.
  - yes
  - statement

1) I liked the picture in Opportunites down in Florida, because I think it is overall a pretty cool picture the way it look with the trees reflecting down on the water, and it draws your attention, wanting you to read it.
2) My least favorite picture is the picture for Light up the night, because I think the way it was taken, the lights look just blurry and they shouldn't all blend together so that people can really see the reason everyone has been waiting to see the beautiful tree.
3) I would like to do the movie review section, because it seems fun to give my opinion on what I think and let others know why or why not to watch it.
4) I rate photography good. There was a lot of art with the photography which I liked

I think interviewing Jackson Walker would be a good idea for the 4th issue, because he is getting ready to play the lead in the school play which is a big deal in the theater and music department.