Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Lone star dispatch issue #5

Front Page: PALS mentor elementary students
PALS travel to different elementary schools to mentor the students. They hang out with them and spend time with them. The PALS help the students fell good and happy, while the PALees also help the PALS learn about themselves through the way they're teaching the kids.
What: The job of a PAL and what they do
When: all this year
Where: Elementary schools
Why: To be a mentor to the elementary students
How: traveling to different schools an meeting with them
Who was quoted in the story: Amy Cox, Alejandro Garcia, Macy Harman
What quote was the strongest in your opinion: "seeing my PALees make more friends and become more confident in themselves has been extremely meaningful to me as they demonstrate strength and motivate me to step out of my comfort zone too." I think it is the strongest because it explains why they do what they do and that the PALS learn from their PALees too and it helps in both ways.
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading: Yes, because it kind of gave an idea of what they did, and then explained their name and makes you want to know more about how they do that.
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement: quote

Student life: Freshman prepares for school life across the sea
Maya Levee wants to be an exchange student in spain. She is very interested in their culture and wants to be fluent in spans so she thinks it would be good. She has to go through along process still. Her friends explain how it would be good for her and that she will be missed.
Who: Maya Levee
What: applying for an exchange program in spain
When: for maybe a gap year or semester
Where: spain
Why: She wants to be fluent in spanish  and loves the culture
How: applying for an exchange program
Who was quoted in the story: Maya Levee, Andrew Chahda, Sophie Bega, Jean Frazier
What quote was the strongest in your opinion: "I want to apply to study in spain because I really love the culture and I want to be completely fluent in spanish" because it gives her motivation to why she wants to do this
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading: Yes, because I think being an exchange student would be so fun and a great experience, and I know Maya and I didn't know she wanted this.
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement: quote

News: Seniors receive nostalgia with four-year-old letters
Freshman year, seniors had to write a letter to themselves for when they were seniors about what was going on freshman year in their life. The seniors just now got their letters from themselves and discovered a lot about themselves. They realized how much they have matured and gotten through the hard times that were going on in their life at the time.
Who: Seniors
What: Senior letters they wrote to themselves freshman year
When: freshman year
Where: Bowie
Why: to see how much they've changed and what they accomplished through high school
How: The teachers gave them the assignment freshman year and held the letters for them
Who was quoted in the story: Shari Blevins, Kandice Cox, Angelica Saenz
What quote was the strongest in your opinion:"I think the students get to see how mature they have become and I think they get to see how ready for the world they are." This quote explains why the letters are written and what the seniors realize when they read their letters
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading: Yes, because I am going through freshman year right now and I just went through the beginning process of writing the letter and it makes me excited for when I read my letter
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement: statement

Sports: Softball team is still undefeated
The softball team firs are still undefeated. They are the first to be and it is great for them. They are close together as a team and it really helps them n the field. They wasn't to continue to work hard to keep the streak going.
Who: Bowie softball team
What: they are undefeated
When: this season
Where: bowie
Why: they want to continue to move on
How: They work together, practice hard, and win the game
Who was quoted in the story: Alex Mclennan, Kaley Farnish, Liz Wissel
What quote was the strongest in your opinion: "I can go to them with my problems and it helps on the field because I can trust them when thy tell me to do something." It explains that they have a close reetionship and how it helps them succeed.
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading: Yes, it draws you in because it doesn't fully explain how history is made so you have to continue reading
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement:quote

Entertainment: The starlight theatre company jumps into spring with a plethora of shows
Starlight theater is going to UIL. They are bringing several plays to perform and get judged on. The students explain the stress and anxiety of it all and what it is about.
Who: Starlight theatre company
What: UIL season for theater
When: right now during spring semester
Where: Various high schools
Why: to compete and perform what they have been working on and show off their skill
How: several plays taken to UIL to compete
Who was quoted in the story: John Guare, Betsey Cornwell, Paige Bradbury, Emma Haschke, Jackson Walker, Marco Bazan, Courtney Hall, Nicholas Garza
What quote was the strongest in your opinion: "As a team I hope that we advance, in an ideal world all the way to state, but that is very difficult, I just hope that we get further than we did last year which was the third round." I think this is strongest because it explains their motivation for UIL
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading: Yes, because it explains all they have to do and I'm very interested in theater.
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement: Statement

Commentary: Social Media, Back at it again
The damn daniel video that two boys filmed went viral and a lot come from it. After becoming famous and going on elle, daniel donated his lifetime supplies of shoes to an organization. The author explains how it's nice that he used his fame to help people.
Who: The Damn Daniel guys, Daniel and Josh
What: Snapchat videos becoming famous
When: durning school when he would record videos
Where: school
Why: He thought it was funny and it became a huge thing
How: It got wall over the internet and everyone saw it.
Who was quoted in the story:
What quote was the strongest in your opinion: "Josh and I are stoked by all this. Thank you guys" it shows that Daniel is happy about all of this fame
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading: Not really just because I've heard so much about damn daniel already
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement: statement

In depth: A shift in political apathy?
Donald Trump has shifted politics to a younger level too. He has interacted much more with social media like having his own twitter. Its caused a lot more of younger people to want to vote during this election because its much different from other elections.
Who: Donald Trump
What: His social media use interesting young voters
When: this presidential election
Where: US
Why: For more people to vote during the election
How: By getting to them through what they're always on: twitter
Who was quoted in the story: no one
What quote was the strongest in your opinion: no quote
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading: Yes, because this presidential election is different than others like he said
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement: statement

1)My favorite photo is of Chris Lomelli from Guitar strings bring forth passion
1A) I like that its taken in a location other than school, because it shows its something he loves to do outside of school too
1B) rule of thirds
2) The photo of the winners of Bowie idol
2A) you can't really even see one of the winners even though thy should be the main topic
3) Even though photographers didn't take these photos, my favor thing to take pictures of if it was possible would be the article of Andrea traveling to Rwanda because thats very interesting especially because its so different.
4) I think the photography was good in this newspaper. The photographers used a lot of good photo tips and tools.

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