Tuesday, April 19, 2016

free write

The most beautiful smile I ever saw happened after a very rough day. I think that's maybe part of why it was one of the most beautiful smiles, because amidst all of the struggling I had just gone through in my day, I was reminded of the happiness people can feel.

I was going through a hard time with a bunch of my friends and questioning whether they even were my friends at the moment and struggling a lot with my grades. In fact, I was just coming from taking a test that I was quite sure I had bombed.

I was so ready to just finally leave school and forget about all that had happened in my my day and throw it behind me, but I had to sit and wait longer to wait for parents because I am still a child who isn't capable of driving herself home. As I was waiting, I saw one of my friends. He was on of the friends that you're not quite sure whether to say hi and you just take turns looking to see if the other is looking to wave, but you just end up going through a very awkward moment. But, there was no one else there so why not talk to him. We talked for a while as he sat and waited for his girlfriend and me for my mom.

After a conversation full of dumb questions just to keep from awkward silence, his girlfriend shows up. I really am thinking nothing of it because it's just another person out of the three thousand something at our massive high school, but I soon learned that she would not just be another person in my life.

Right away from me being introduced by her boyfriend to her, she shows so much joy and smiling.  She talks to me with so much enthusiasm as if I'm her best friend that she hasn't seen in years, and yet, we had just met. She had so much energy and a fun attitude towards absolutely everything. She soon made me forget that I was even in a bad mood. Even after I had left and gone home, my good mood continued.

I think that's what life is about, honestly. Living it all in such a positive way and showing joy to others. I think people should live it happy and kind to where others are excited when they see them. So, I made a decision my self to live that way. I'll live everyday as happy and grateful as I can, and maybe I'll impact some people like the one girl did to me. And although maybe I'll never see her again, I thank her for showing me a better way to live and showing me her beautiful smile.

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