Friday, January 29, 2016

Free Write

There are three children sitting on a log near a stream. One of them looks up at the sky and says...

"What is life all about? What will become of me? I wonder what's bona happen. There's so much life left to live. I have so much to experience. My life has just begun and I want to learn and live. I want to see the world and have a family that loves each other. The kind that may get in fights, but only to make up because they're minor and they love each other too much to stay mad. I want to really truly know who I am. To find my identity and what my destiny is. Not because of what someone tells me to be or because I have role models and follow in their footsteps, but I want to find me. The only me there will ever be. To go through the worst times and the best, and to learn from it all. To grow everyday and learn about myself through it all. I want to fall in love. I want to fell so strongly about a person and not even know what to do with all of the love I have for them. Maybe we don't say together, But I'll have the experience. I'll have had experienced being in love and really learning to love another. The thought of life is exciting, which is why the thought of death is that much scarier. All of the dreams I have are to last an entire lifetime, but what if I don't live long enough to see it all? Death takes it all away just like that. What if I never see the world? Or have a family? Or fall in love? I'll die before I even start to live. Life is so exciting, but so easy to lose."

"No Brooklyn," says another on the log, Paige. "You can't treat death like that. We're here on earth living. We have a life that we can live. Yes, maybe can lose this life, but we haven't yet. Our life is here right now, so live it while you can. You don't know about ten ears, or one year, or even tomorrow, but you've got right now, so live it as fun and freely as you can. Don't give death the option to take you before you begin to live. Start to live right now. You can't think of death as something to hold you back, but as something to push you forward and encourage you to live."

Brooklyn remembered that night and what Paige had told her. She went out and lived her life just as she wanted, and when death came, she did not fear it because she knew that she lived her life well and to all she ever wanted from it.

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