Thursday, October 29, 2015

Same Sex Marriage

10% of our world population is gay. That's a big percentage of people being mistreated because of something they can't control. Same sex marriage is finally legal, but people don’t really treat it like its a law. There are still debates and torture over it. Same sex marriage is okay and should be treated like it is okay.

Everyone is different in different ways, and we all have different preferences. No one gets hurt for liking soccer over football, so why is it any different with gender? 9 million people have finally gotten the chance to marry the love of their life, and yet people would rather hurt them then wish people the best in life.

I get that not everyone agrees with same sex marriage, and that’s fine because people are going to believe what they believe, but it’s not their life. Honestly, I feel there shouldn’t of even been a debate whether same sex marriage is legal. Since when did it become someone else’s decision for who a person can fall in love with? There will never be 100% people on board with same sex marriage, and I understand that. The point I’m stressing so much is that people are free to control their life as long as they’re not hurting another. To each their own.

People are being judged by others they don’t even know just because they are attracted to a different gender than them. Many people nowadays don’t even take the time to get to know a person just because they are gay. Being gay doesn’t change who a person is. 

If people were to accept others sexual preferences, there would be less insecurity and fear. Gay people fear coming out because of todays society, and they go on life thinking they are bad people for being who they are, and for being different than others. 20.8% of the hate crimes caused in the world are because of sexual orientation.  People fear the judgmental people and what they will do to them or what they think. 

In today’s society, many people look down on gays thinking they are bad and are wrong. There are so many crimes committed and awful people in the world today. I think gay people are the last people we need to be looking down on. Gay people are just as much human as any other human.

Also, people are always told to not follow the crowd, to stand out. All of a sudden when they start to do things that are different, it’s wrong to be different. Being gay is different yes, but it doesn’t automatically make it bad. Diversity is what builds communities. All of the different opinions on things build every individual person who then builds their community.

As people all part of the same society, we all should be routing for each other. Agreeing isn’t always going to happen, but we should be able to wish the best no matter what that consists of.

Same sex marriage is okay. It’s new and different, but our society is evolving. Accepting others and share in their happiness can be a new era in todays society.


  1. I liked your story, I felt it was structured well and addressed a topic not many other people talked about. Maybe you could do some more research into LGBT issues, as gay marriage is just one of many struggles for rights. Not many people acknowledge these communities outside the scope of gay marriage.

  2. I like how you speak for the whole of society, instead of just yourself or the people around you. The story flows, instead of being a bunch of different paragraphs with different argumentative topics.
