Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Opinion Writing

Student sharing, too much change or great opportunity?
1) editorial staff
2) the changes for FIT and their opinion on it
3) "While I think we should have FIT everyday, I don't that FIT is more valuable than actual class time."
4) Yes, the ones that wouldn't want FIT don't like how teachers stand around giving late students detention. The ones that voted for not everyday is because they didn't want to have to cut classes.
5) Yes, they were wishy washy. They would want more FIT if the teachers didn't give lunch detention and treat it like it's more important than regular class time.
6) no
7) They wrote in first person

The office welcomes the dawn of the technology age
1) Kelsie Stella
2) The school has made more online documents to make stuff easier anymore organized
3) "its understandable why the office staff is pushing for more online resources" they agree with what the office has been doing
4) Yes, they said it might be hard for students who don't have internet access at home
5) no
6) yes

I scream, you scream
1) Nya Martin
2) the deaths occurred by blue bell
3) "I believe the families should press charges." she does not like blue bell and fells very strongly that its their fault and they need to own up to it
4) no
5) no
6)  no
7)1st person

The problem with pep rallies
1) Annika Holm
2) about the problems with pep rallies
3) "The problem with pep rallies is that they don't inspire pep, nor do they rally support for the school.
4) no
5) yes, she said if they changed it would be better and time worthy
6) no
7) 1st

Emotional learning effective?
1) Melissa Weprin
2) SEL skills taught in world geography
3) "SEL is important for students to learn, but a few teaks to the way its taught could really make a difference in every world history students high school career"
4) no
5) no
6) no
7) 1st

A call for athletic equality
1) Amaya Marquez
2) sports not being recognized
3) "I definitely feel like we should get justas much attention just like the other sports" she rinks some sports are recognized and treated better
4) no
5) no
6) yes
7) 1st

A) The major differences are they write in 1st person, they don't only just give facts, and they can give people perspective on where people stand for the topics.
B) There many photos because it's not really teaching you on the topic, but more on their view of the topic and there's not really pictures on that because it all comes from their brain
C) I think one would be peoples opinions on same sex marriage, because people are always debating on the topic and it would be an interesting and popular piece. I think another would probably be on school lunches if we're talking about school paper because many people have a different opinion on  that and reasons to why and certain favorites they can say. I also think people would like to read about plays and how their reviewed to see if they want to see them.

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