Friday, October 9, 2015

Current Events Quiz

1) The fact that it's "work purposes only" for the council members, but it has nothing really to do with work.
2) This photos shows that many people, such as lawmakers, car all about money more than lots of other actual important things.
3) He is scared for his safety because of the carry law.
4) a new online Marketplace
5) Good graphics, sound, playability, and entertainment.

1) I think this industry has seen a lot of growth, because it's easier. People nowadays are always looking for the easiest way possible to do things.
2) No, my family doesn't usually use this delivery service. If they do, it's for stuff that we can't go buy at a local store.
3) Once again, I think it's been targeted because it the easy thing to do. Yes, you could go out and get it, but you could instead just stay home and have someone else do it for you. I mean it sounds pretty nice. It will help people a lot with errands.
4) Yeah, I do think I'll use the service in the future. I don't really think it will be on a regular basis, but you never know. Once I realize how much easier it is, I might want it more, But right now I don't think so.

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