Thursday, October 29, 2015

Same Sex Marriage

10% of our world population is gay. That's a big percentage of people being mistreated because of something they can't control. Same sex marriage is finally legal, but people don’t really treat it like its a law. There are still debates and torture over it. Same sex marriage is okay and should be treated like it is okay.

Everyone is different in different ways, and we all have different preferences. No one gets hurt for liking soccer over football, so why is it any different with gender? 9 million people have finally gotten the chance to marry the love of their life, and yet people would rather hurt them then wish people the best in life.

I get that not everyone agrees with same sex marriage, and that’s fine because people are going to believe what they believe, but it’s not their life. Honestly, I feel there shouldn’t of even been a debate whether same sex marriage is legal. Since when did it become someone else’s decision for who a person can fall in love with? There will never be 100% people on board with same sex marriage, and I understand that. The point I’m stressing so much is that people are free to control their life as long as they’re not hurting another. To each their own.

People are being judged by others they don’t even know just because they are attracted to a different gender than them. Many people nowadays don’t even take the time to get to know a person just because they are gay. Being gay doesn’t change who a person is. 

If people were to accept others sexual preferences, there would be less insecurity and fear. Gay people fear coming out because of todays society, and they go on life thinking they are bad people for being who they are, and for being different than others. 20.8% of the hate crimes caused in the world are because of sexual orientation.  People fear the judgmental people and what they will do to them or what they think. 

In today’s society, many people look down on gays thinking they are bad and are wrong. There are so many crimes committed and awful people in the world today. I think gay people are the last people we need to be looking down on. Gay people are just as much human as any other human.

Also, people are always told to not follow the crowd, to stand out. All of a sudden when they start to do things that are different, it’s wrong to be different. Being gay is different yes, but it doesn’t automatically make it bad. Diversity is what builds communities. All of the different opinions on things build every individual person who then builds their community.

As people all part of the same society, we all should be routing for each other. Agreeing isn’t always going to happen, but we should be able to wish the best no matter what that consists of.

Same sex marriage is okay. It’s new and different, but our society is evolving. Accepting others and share in their happiness can be a new era in todays society.

Current Events Quiz

1) Paul Ryan for republicans
2)It’s Texas law regarding a person’s failure to identify to a police officer.
3) mets and royals
4) › Do look for unusual conversation pieces to invigorate and enliven your decor. 

   › Do consider incorporating the season into your decor using accent pieces such as toss pillows and throws.

› Don’t buy super season-specific items for fall. While they may be appealing once placed in the clearance bin, these tend to be items that simply take up storage space for the rest of the year. 
   › Don’t buy seasonal items you don’t expect to actually use. When you purchase an item, envisioning where you will use it in your home will help ensure it will be enjoyed, as opposed to becoming an item you’ll never use.

5) sculpture garden and museum's haunted garden

1) No, I have not seen this video. I would like to thug. It doesn't sound like something you see everyday.

2) I do agree about that they both were in the wrong. The student shouldn't have challenged him verbally or been disobeying the teacher, I just feel he acted out of reason. He didn't need to act that much. It wasn't like she was physically attacking someone.

3) I do think so, yes. I think a lot of the time police men know the authority they have and use it for the wrong reasons. They are still humans who make mistakes and some need to be reminded of that.

4) Behind some yes. Such as the ones involving the cop shooting the black man, but others I think might be authority problems. Everyone has some laws and cultures they don't agree with, but they have to obey the law and let hoers live their lives. Police are still just others in the community and might need to realize that too.

5) Social media and cell phones are actually useful in this situation, because it allows others that weren't there for it to see what happened. In situations like this people might try to stretch the truth, but they aren't allowed to and have to tell the whole truth because there's proof.

6)  think it is good honestly. I think it's awful that this stuff happens, but I think its good that people are aware of what's going on. It can help people see how to change the community and right the wrongs.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Lone Star Dispatch Issue #1

Age Old Battle Still Going On
Who: Parker Smith
What: Smith standing up for her body and dress code
When: September 4, 2015
Where: Bowie High school
Why: Speaking about how she feels
How: She receives support from fellow classmates and her family

In this story Parker Smith explains how she feels about the way the school acts about her being out of dress code. She says it makes her feel embarrassed, and that she should be able to dress without judgement.

People Quoted: Parker Smith- direct, Marley Neth- direct, Principal Stephen Kane- direct, Jennifer Smith- direct, Brandon Smith- direct

Opinionated Statement: "There should be something done, and I'm not saying the whole dress code should be changed, but it's the way it's enforced and how it makes girls feel." I believe this is an opinion, because not everyone agrees that the dress code is a problem.

After reading the story, yes I can understand how the title fits in with it, but I would've never guessed what the story was about with that title. I thin that's okay though, because sometimes its nice to have to read it and after reading it you understand.

Yes, the artwork definitely fits with the story.

Building a Better Education Thanks to AISD Bond
Who: Bowie campus
What: changes across campus
When: Started 2 years ago and is still taking place
Where: Bowie High School
Why: To help improve the schools ability for a better education
How: They received more funding from AISD

In this story they explain the changes happening around school such as a new and bigger place for athletics, a new kitchen, a post for the officer, and have replaced old locks. All of this improvement on the school will hopefully help improve the students learning experience.

People Quoted: Pablo Riera- direct, Brittani Thibodeaux- direct, Richard Winemiller-direct, Janelle Seay- direct

Opinionated Statements: There are no opinionated statements

Yes, I think the title fits the story very well. I was able to make a good guess at what I was about to be reading.

Yes, the photo suits the story well.

SAT and ACT Will Change in March
Who: Judd Pfiefer
What: Changes to SAT and ACT tests
When: March 2016
Where: At Bowie and all over
Why: To improve scores
How: He is a SAT prep teacher

In this story, they explain that there will be a change to the SAT and ACT tests. They explain the different ways to study, and that it is important to study, because they are some of the biggest tests for high school.

People Quoted: Judd Pfiefer- direct, Isabela Doberenz-direct, Ricky Ramirez- direct

Opinionated Statements: No opinionated quotes

Yes, the title explains exactly what the story s telling us.

Yes, the picture does go well with the story

Fit Bell Schedule Remains The Same After Proposals Last Year
Who: Bowie
What: fit is staying the same schedule
When: this school year
Where: Bowie HighSchool
Why: To sync up with other school campuses
How: the proposals from last year

In this story students and teachers explain what they like and dislike about the fit schedules at Bowie. The bell schedule did remain the same.

People Quoted: Emily Heim- Direct, Nicole Moore- direct, Kalia Aquino- direct, Patricia Conroy- direct, Matt Saucier- direct, Lili Benitez- direct, Sahaj Mann- direct

Opinionated Statement:
no opinions

AISD gives school bond for campus renovations
Who: Bowie and AISD
What: 16.5 million bond
When: 2013
WHere: Bowie
Why: for renovations
How: using money to improve school

Bowie was given a 16,5 million dollar bond and used it to make renovations. In th story it talks about students and teachers and their excitement about it.

People Quoted: Vicki Hebert, Tanner Howell, Robert rasmus

Opinionated statement: "While the bond as improved both the look and function of the campus, there are still numerous improvements to be made."

Yes the title helps explain.

there was no picture.

Friday, October 23, 2015

SNO Online Papers:

"I don't want to go to college"
1) Lauren Mangold
2) Her story is about how she has lost interest in things and schooling because has become convinced that she can't do better or "learned helplessness."
3)Personally, I feel I have developed something further, a psychological trait referred to as “learned helplessness.”
4) No
5) No, she was not. She believes very strongly that she has lost interest.
6) No
7) 1st

Tweeting, posting, liking, and uploading may affect teens negatively
1) Maia Fink
2) Social media being bad for students
3) "While social media may seem like an innocent way to pass time, it may be affecting you more than you think."

Personal Essays

1) Do the stuff you care about strongly.
2) use details
3) Contain a personal perspective, think of it as a camera lens (open it up and give so many more details), make sure the reader goes away knowing you feel the way you feel

current events quiz

1) intentional burning or overheating shredder
2) he has a passion for it and he interacts with the students. He's also "just awesome"
3) lewis hamilton
4) ginger golds, honeycrisp, jonagold and mcintosh
5) smoked paprika

1) No, my parents have not considered buying me one. I have divorced parents, so I switch back and forth between houses, so this is actually easier. Instead of having to lug around a giant book if I'm going to  different parents house, I can access it at both houses without the carrying.
2) Yes, it has hurt my grades. If my internet isn't working or someone else is using the computer and when its my turn its late and I just don't want to work anymore. That's not really the online textbook's fault though, its my internet.
3) Yes I do, for the situations that I would have. I think its good for them to also have paper versions too, for other situation such as no internet connection.
4) Yes, I do think its gonna continue in this direction, because the world is more and more making things on the internet and technology to do things.
5) Probably because they are such a big thing to haul around, and almost everyone has access to the internet with just the touch of a finger.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Opinion Writing

Student sharing, too much change or great opportunity?
1) editorial staff
2) the changes for FIT and their opinion on it
3) "While I think we should have FIT everyday, I don't that FIT is more valuable than actual class time."
4) Yes, the ones that wouldn't want FIT don't like how teachers stand around giving late students detention. The ones that voted for not everyday is because they didn't want to have to cut classes.
5) Yes, they were wishy washy. They would want more FIT if the teachers didn't give lunch detention and treat it like it's more important than regular class time.
6) no
7) They wrote in first person

The office welcomes the dawn of the technology age
1) Kelsie Stella
2) The school has made more online documents to make stuff easier anymore organized
3) "its understandable why the office staff is pushing for more online resources" they agree with what the office has been doing
4) Yes, they said it might be hard for students who don't have internet access at home
5) no
6) yes

I scream, you scream
1) Nya Martin
2) the deaths occurred by blue bell
3) "I believe the families should press charges." she does not like blue bell and fells very strongly that its their fault and they need to own up to it
4) no
5) no
6)  no
7)1st person

The problem with pep rallies
1) Annika Holm
2) about the problems with pep rallies
3) "The problem with pep rallies is that they don't inspire pep, nor do they rally support for the school.
4) no
5) yes, she said if they changed it would be better and time worthy
6) no
7) 1st

Emotional learning effective?
1) Melissa Weprin
2) SEL skills taught in world geography
3) "SEL is important for students to learn, but a few teaks to the way its taught could really make a difference in every world history students high school career"
4) no
5) no
6) no
7) 1st

A call for athletic equality
1) Amaya Marquez
2) sports not being recognized
3) "I definitely feel like we should get justas much attention just like the other sports" she rinks some sports are recognized and treated better
4) no
5) no
6) yes
7) 1st

A) The major differences are they write in 1st person, they don't only just give facts, and they can give people perspective on where people stand for the topics.
B) There many photos because it's not really teaching you on the topic, but more on their view of the topic and there's not really pictures on that because it all comes from their brain
C) I think one would be peoples opinions on same sex marriage, because people are always debating on the topic and it would be an interesting and popular piece. I think another would probably be on school lunches if we're talking about school paper because many people have a different opinion on  that and reasons to why and certain favorites they can say. I also think people would like to read about plays and how their reviewed to see if they want to see them.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Earthquake Story

Yesterday at 8:12 am, an earthquake hit the San Francisco bay area killing two and injuring six.

The earthquake hit McHenry's Auto supply shop on 2342 Plum St. 

"The epicenter of the earthquake was under the Hayward Hills," says scientist Penny Gertz, "It was a strong one. It hit a magnitude of 6.4."

Jennifer Vu, a pubic information officer from Hayward Fire department announced that the earthquake caused two deaths and six injuries.  Three of the injuries were seriously hurt to the point of required hospitalization.They were brought to Hayward General hospital. 

"Names of the dead are being withheld pending the notifications of families," Vu says. The building had partially collapsed resulting in the injuries and deaths.

"I was eating my breakfast when the room started rolling," announced Mike Beamer, a resident of Hayward that lives across the street form the shop. He said that the rolling motion happened for about 30 seconds, and then a big jolt followed.

"I dove under the table just as I heard an explosion outside and chunk of cement flew threw my kitchen window. That's when the screaming started across the street," Beamer explained.

"Twenty-One Fire personnel, twelve police, and five American red cross workers responded to the building collapse, with some arriving within four minutes of the quake," explained Vu.

The Hayward firefighters used ropes to stabilize the shop, and capped a gas line after finding a gas leak at the site.

The strong earthquake had people as far as Los Angeles and Redding feel it.

Huntington Story

In a motor home in Barstow, California around 10pm, Janice Jones, 53, was shot in the right leg by her dog, Tombo. The dog knocked the gun off of the seat, and as it hit the floor, it discharged.

Jones was in her trailer eating pork chops, and Tombo knocked the 9 mm hand gun off of the seat by her. Jones hadn't seen or realized the gun knock off of the seat until it was too late.

Jones was taken to Huntington Beach hospital, and Tombo was placed in the care of the Huntington beach animal control officers. The control officer's found fresh cigarette burns on the dogs forehead and seemed to be malnourished.

"It could've done with a little less abuse and a few more of those pork chops." says Janet Ngo, one of the animal control officers. They are looking into changing Jones for animal abuse.

The county's district attorneys office is debating on whether to charge Jones for the gun accident. She doesn't have a license for her gun.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Current Events Quiz

1) The fact that it's "work purposes only" for the council members, but it has nothing really to do with work.
2) This photos shows that many people, such as lawmakers, car all about money more than lots of other actual important things.
3) He is scared for his safety because of the carry law.
4) a new online Marketplace
5) Good graphics, sound, playability, and entertainment.

1) I think this industry has seen a lot of growth, because it's easier. People nowadays are always looking for the easiest way possible to do things.
2) No, my family doesn't usually use this delivery service. If they do, it's for stuff that we can't go buy at a local store.
3) Once again, I think it's been targeted because it the easy thing to do. Yes, you could go out and get it, but you could instead just stay home and have someone else do it for you. I mean it sounds pretty nice. It will help people a lot with errands.
4) Yeah, I do think I'll use the service in the future. I don't really think it will be on a regular basis, but you never know. Once I realize how much easier it is, I might want it more, But right now I don't think so.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Car Accident Story

Today at 4:45, two cars collided at the intersection from First Street and Slaughter Lane. It was a head-on collision caused by Roger Clementine, driver of the 1948 Studebaker.

Roger Clementine, 13, was driving his uncles car on the wrong side of the road, at 60 mph and ran into John Jacob Jingleheimer-Smith, 91, and his wife, Melba. 67.

"I thought it was going to be easy," says Clementine. "I just wanted to hang out with Brian [his friend], and my uncle wouldn't take me. I never meant to hurt anyone, really." Clementine was later convicted for driving without a license, for speeding, and for driving in the wrong lane by the police on the investigation.

Clementine, Jacob, and Melba were all taken to the University Medical Center Brackenridge. Clementine was only treated for minor cuts on his face, and then released. Melba was treated only for a bloody nose and also released. Jacob however, has more serious injuries. He has a head injury and is in serious conditions.

"All I care about is that my Jacob is okay," explains Melba. "All this talk about suing isn't going to help him. We just need to be focusing on Jacob's health." To give Melba her wishes, there will not be big court cases on this crash. All she wishes is that Clementine's family will pay for the medical bill.

When the crash occurred, it was a sunny day. The roads were not slick. Clementine was driving on the wrong side of the road driving in the opposite direction which caused for him to run head on into the Smith's car.

The Smith's car, a 1989 Yugo Firebelcher, was totaled, and Clementine's 1948 Studebaker suffered a crumpled fender.

"We are willing to pay for everything," Clementine's mother, Stacey Clementine explains. "My apologies from both my son and me go to the Smith's. I don't know what Roger was thinking." Mrs. Clementine had a worrisome look on her face as she first emerged into the Emergency room. She was very scared for her sons safety, as any mother would be. Once she had learned everything, she was furious, and surprised.

Monday, October 5, 2015

The Big Day

A bride is getting ready for her wedding as she waits for someone while a man is driving in a rush to be somewhere. You assume that the man is the husband in a rush to his wedding, and the bride is waiting for him since they're getting married. In the end the man finally gets to the wedding and you find that the mans not the woman's husband, but they are in love. The woman was waiting for him to come and bring her away, and he was rushing to, but it was too late. She was already marrying someone else.

Dan and Kate first met at a bakery they both went to. They both were alone, and Dan decided to talk to Kate. From then on, they were together all the time. Dan decided to join the army as they got older, and it scared Kate all the time that something would happen to Dan. She wanted for them to continue in the relationship, but he was always gone. Kate get awful, but she had to move on.

Seven years later, Dan was moved on and working for a sales company. His job sent him to New York for a promotion. There Dan ran into Kate, who he hadn't seen since she had left. They caught up and were surprised to ever see each other again. It was obvious that they still loved each other. Kate decided to invite Dan to her wedding. Dan was sad abut Kate getting married, but he was not going to come back and ruin everything.

The morning of the wedding Dan went to tell Kate that he wished the best for her, but he told her everything instead. "I can't see you marry someone else," Dan told her. He then walked out and drove away.

"I was going to go back to Texas," explains Dan. "But I couldn't do it."

"I took off driving very fast through winding roads in the rain," says Dan. "The wedding was so far out, I felt as if I was driving forever."

Kate, at this time,  was getting ready for her wedding. "I did want to get married." explains Kate. "I was very happy at first. It was fun to get ready with all of my best friends."

Dan was still driving. He ad to slow down and stop many times. "It was more times then I've ever had to be stopped," he explains. "I didn't think I was going to make it in time. I mean I had to wait for a stupid train."

"I started to think back on everything, and I realized that I can't be marrying someone right now." Kate explains. "I then hoped that Dan would come, and that he would be here to stop the wedding."

"I knew she started to rethink her decisions when she nervously tugged at her ring," explains Kate's father. "She's always done that for as long as I can remember."

Kate and her father were now just waiting on Dan. "I knew he would be coming, and i tried to wait before the wedding so a scene was't caused. We were running out of time though," explains her father. It was up to Dan now.

Dan finally reached the church, and ran in. "It was already happening. Every single head in the room looked at me with horror." says Dan. Kate was marrying someone else.

Everyone was silent for a long while, until the father broke in. "I thought of the only thing I could think of. We might as well eat the food, because I just paid for it all. So I called everyone out to the dining hall.

"It was the worst position to ever be in. I loved them both, but I knew I couldn't do this." explains Kate. "Even if I loved my fiancé more, I would still feel awful and have regrets, because I love them both. So the wedding was off.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Current Events Quiz

1) I think its because there is a very high and important leader dealing with a very big issue that's going on right now
2) 29% support gay marriage and 46% support marijuana
3) two thirds supported more border security, 65% supported stopping deportation of immigrants, and  28% oppose them having work permits
4) looked at the states entire adult population to survey
5) record tying score at the masters

1) A wearable is basically like some clothing type made high tech. An example would be like shoes with a built in pedometer.
2) I think I probably like the shoes with the built in pedometers the most. It would be cool to every time you go for a run or something to know how many steps that takes.
3) Yes I do for sure. We are always adding more and more technology in our lives, and it would not be surprising if much more was added to our every day lives.
4) I probably would have something, yes. Technology is going to be growing into our lives more and more.