Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Additional Student of the Month Interview

Subject: English Teacher
1) Do you agree with the newspaper's decision to select your student for Student Of the Month?
Yes, I do. She deserved this award.
2) Why do you feel that way?
She is a very hard working student, and she is always on top of her work. When she is confused she asks questions, and she coms to me outside of class if she needs extra help. 
3) Is the student of the month one of your over achieving students?
Yes, she is. Like I said, she is always on top of things in my class.
4) Do you think your teaching has affected their chances of winning?
I do, but its also up to her, because I'm going to put forth my effort in teaching, but then t comes down to her and if she's going to work and learn from my teaching.

Subject: Best Friend
1) How do you feel about your best friend winning this award?
I'm very excited and happy for her!
2) Do you think she deserved it?
Yeah for sure. She works really hard all the time, and she's always super focused even when all of us aren't.  
3) Do you look at her differently because of winning the award?
Not much because she's still her, but I'm proud of her and I can look up to her. She's my go to for help because she knows everything.
4) Are you more interested in winning the award now?
Yeah I guess. It'd be pretty cool to get it, but I mean I'm not really gonna go out of my way to get it.  

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