Friday, January 29, 2016

Free Write

There are three children sitting on a log near a stream. One of them looks up at the sky and says...

"What is life all about? What will become of me? I wonder what's bona happen. There's so much life left to live. I have so much to experience. My life has just begun and I want to learn and live. I want to see the world and have a family that loves each other. The kind that may get in fights, but only to make up because they're minor and they love each other too much to stay mad. I want to really truly know who I am. To find my identity and what my destiny is. Not because of what someone tells me to be or because I have role models and follow in their footsteps, but I want to find me. The only me there will ever be. To go through the worst times and the best, and to learn from it all. To grow everyday and learn about myself through it all. I want to fall in love. I want to fell so strongly about a person and not even know what to do with all of the love I have for them. Maybe we don't say together, But I'll have the experience. I'll have had experienced being in love and really learning to love another. The thought of life is exciting, which is why the thought of death is that much scarier. All of the dreams I have are to last an entire lifetime, but what if I don't live long enough to see it all? Death takes it all away just like that. What if I never see the world? Or have a family? Or fall in love? I'll die before I even start to live. Life is so exciting, but so easy to lose."

"No Brooklyn," says another on the log, Paige. "You can't treat death like that. We're here on earth living. We have a life that we can live. Yes, maybe can lose this life, but we haven't yet. Our life is here right now, so live it while you can. You don't know about ten ears, or one year, or even tomorrow, but you've got right now, so live it as fun and freely as you can. Don't give death the option to take you before you begin to live. Start to live right now. You can't think of death as something to hold you back, but as something to push you forward and encourage you to live."

Brooklyn remembered that night and what Paige had told her. She went out and lived her life just as she wanted, and when death came, she did not fear it because she knew that she lived her life well and to all she ever wanted from it.

Monday, January 25, 2016

photo manipulation and ethics

A. This story explains the crops that photographers have done on photos that are unacceptable to do. It explains them sometimes make it look more dramatic or different than what was really happening. The photographers would be fired, but not everyone learns their lesson until it happens to them.

B. This type of cropping and photo editing isn't allowed, because the news is supposed to give all facts, and editing pictures can make others assume that what happened was either more or less intense than it was, and the news needs to say the whole truth.

I think this photo was unacceptable, because it is making this man seem even more black than he is just for an intense story, but they don't have to lie about his skin.

I think this photo was acceptable, because it was just changing a feature to make her teeth look better which really isn't going to affect much.

Composition part 2 and discussion

symmetry and patterns- in this photo there is a building on both sides of the smoke showing symmetry 
Viewpoint- This photo was taken from below to show the boy holding his paper high.

depth- This photo has various layers to it because of the smoke all around it that you notice and in the middle of it all is a building that you can see, so it just depends on what you focus on

cropping- the photographer cropped this picture to just show this woman to kid of take off all of the surrounding intensity to just show the intensity of her

Thursday, January 21, 2016

CE 4.2

1) 83,591
2) swapping land
3) rose quartz an serenity
4) no, I don't really. I think its cool, just kind of random, but I mean if people like it or it calms them then they can do that and I think it's good they've found something they really enjoy.
5) The mass gallery's stay cation, because I think it's cool how they play around with the shapes and the color. I think that would be cool to see their different art

Scientists think part of the cause is the large El nino that took place. Of course also all of the greenhouse gases obviously are contributing a lot to increasing global warming. A consequence because of global warming are more rainstorms. I really don't worry about global warming. I know it is very bad and getting worse I just never really think about it much, because I guess I'm used o heat all of the time and so it doesn't worry me that much. As a whole we could start to do more to keep the earth's air good by public transportation and other things that will help and not hurt the atmosphere. Yes, I definitely think global warming is a major issue. Our seasons will start to morph together, sand our atmosphere will not be a fun and the most happy home.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

9/11 Photography


rule of thirds


symmetry and patterns- in this photo there is a building on both sides of the smoke showing symmetry 
Viewpoint- This photo was taken from below to show the boy holding his paper high.

depth- This photo has various layers to it because of the smoke all around it that you notice and in the middle of it all is a building that you can see, so it just depends on what you focus on

cropping- the photographer cropped this picture to just show this woman to kid of take off all of the surrounding intensity to just show the intensity of her

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Current Events Quiz 4.1

1) break up note, retrospective, social push, tee up for democrats, austin represented
2) He was going to have a "secret meeting" with the drug lord so he got his location
3) Heroes, Ziggy Startdust, Blackstar
4) $1.4 billion
5) I think it sounds really cool, but no. I'm just not a huge fan of star wars so I wouldn't want to go, but for fans of Star wars I think that sounds like something they wold like.

1) Yes, I would buy one. I mean if there is somewhat a percentage, why not just do it for fun?
2) No, I don't.
3) I would probably just like the lady said in the story first of all jus because everyone made a huge deal about it, so why not see. I would also once again just do it, because you never know and its just fun. Nothing bad comes out of it.
4) I would definitely spend a lot of my money towards traveling. I would go to every continent, and many places inside. I really want to travel, and the biggest problem is money, so I would be set. I would also for sure give a lot to my family so that they could be set, and never have to worry. When I travel, I would help to get stuff for the people that don't have as much stuff as us, almost kid of like donating but actually go there and help do it my self and really get to know all of the people.
5) If i came in third, I would probably still do a lot of what I just said. I would still travel a lot, and help as many people and counties as I could. I really don't understand the concept of having so much money, so I would first just sit down and see what I could do and what I should save.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Lone star Dispatch Issue 3

News- Elementary kids take on science experiments
 - On science day, kids from various elementary school came to Bowie and participated in different experiments. There were a bunch of different stations supervised by teachers and bowie students, and each contained a different experiment for the kids.
  - Jill Harding, Maura Evans, and Angelica Agulair
  - I thought Angelica Agulair's quote was important, because it lets the readers know that the experience for the kids stays with them, and that it really interests them
  - The lead sentence didn't really hook me in just because I'm not really into science that much, but it might hook others in more.
  - quote

Commentary- Science Fair is getting too competitive for students
  - The writer thinks that science fair should be optional or extra credit for students, because what they are learning doesn't help everyone in the long run. He also thinks it because it is drawn out across 6 different test grades and it's not really fair to make all of that so many grades.
  - no quotes
  - no quotes
  - Yes it did
  - statement

Student Life- Pet Rescue Strikes a cord with a pair of animal lovers
  - Two students volunteered at a shelter for cats. They talk about their responsibilities and why they do what they do.
  - Alex Reyes, Fuaad Ajaz
  - "Sometimes the mother cats pass away but the owners home the one that we have are usually young."
  - no, because you basically knew all about it by reading the first sentences.
  - quote

Entertainment- In review: Mockingjay Part 2
  - the writer describes the movie Mockingjay and their opinion on it. It describes Katniss's journey in the war and lithe opinions in-between.
  - no quotes
  - no quotes
  - yes
  - statement

Athletics- Lacrosse sticks it to the opponents
  - It's about boys and girls lacrosse team season coming up. It talks about what they are looking forward to and what the coaches are expecting.
  - Patrick Moran, Sam Portillo, Kylie Parkins, Coach Doak, Lexie Curtis, Zach Mantley
  - "Every Player is important as the next. we are only as strong as our weakest link."

In Depth Story- Students Celebrate the holiday season in different ways, but with similar spirit
  - The story talks about the different holidays celebrated in different religions. It talks about Hanukkah, Ramadan, and Christmas and that we should all still accepting of all religions.
  - Sam Searles, Andy Moe, Nour El Houda Remli
  - "I love how people are so into Christmas Spirit" because it shows they all are still supportive of other celebrations and traditions.
  - yes
  - statement

1) I liked the picture in Opportunites down in Florida, because I think it is overall a pretty cool picture the way it look with the trees reflecting down on the water, and it draws your attention, wanting you to read it.
2) My least favorite picture is the picture for Light up the night, because I think the way it was taken, the lights look just blurry and they shouldn't all blend together so that people can really see the reason everyone has been waiting to see the beautiful tree.
3) I would like to do the movie review section, because it seems fun to give my opinion on what I think and let others know why or why not to watch it.
4) I rate photography good. There was a lot of art with the photography which I liked

I think interviewing Jackson Walker would be a good idea for the 4th issue, because he is getting ready to play the lead in the school play which is a big deal in the theater and music department.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

best of 2015

In my opinion out of the chart of the top 40 songs, I really like runaway and think it was a great song for 2015. It is definitely just a fun party kind of song and honestly that's how I felt about my year. It was like entering a lot of new things and a lot of fun great experiences, and I think that song makes 2015 seem like a good year. I think the song of peoples' choice really depends on their experiences and memories from the year, but for me it was a super fun year.

For the top movie of 2015, I think that Joy with Jennifer Lawrence was the best movie for the year. It was a good ending to the year and displayed perseverance that finally led to pay off. It was a very inspirational movie, and I really enjoyed it.

I think that one of the most important news stories from 2015 is the debate on same sex marriage, because it affected everyone from our country, and it has changed peoples' lives for the rest of their life. It had a huge impact on our country that has changed our country as a whole.

I think the most important people from 2015 are the black lives matter activists,  because they are still fighting for what is right.

My winter break was great!! I gained a new sister-in-law which was very exciting, and I had a super fun, family filled christmas. I'm looking forward to getting my license later this year.

I like this first photo because of the contrast of the huge tall rock with all of the beautiful water crashing against it and right over the rock is a community so close to the edge. 

I liked this photo, because it was an action shot of tho person running off the wall mid air. You see what's going to happen before it happens. I also like how it is a silhouette, so you just pay attention to the actions of the person and not the details to their features.  

I liked this last picture, because it is all dark around and right at the center you see the people up in the darkness.