Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Car Raid

There's a lot to learn about a person through their car. The way they keep it and the things in it can really each you about their personality. This past weekend Aly Steinle was interviewed about her car in order to learn more information on who she is and what she does.

The car was messy, filled with many of Steinle and her husbands belongings. Already the car has shown that Steinle is not very organized with her things. She has things scattered, but everything placed where she can remember and find them.

Some empty juiceland cups were found in the cup holders of her car.

Steinle explained, "Yeah, I'm kind of a health freak, so love that place because all they have is healthy stuff.

Steinle's diet was discovered just by some trash in her car. It is a very healthy diet. She's a vegan, and doesn't eat sweets every other month with her husband.

"I normally can't eat most of the sweets anyway, because I'm vegan and majority of the sweets have dairy, so my husband and I just decided to eat of and on months, because it's healthier and makes us feel better anyway."

After some more searching around through the car, lots of papers were found.

"Most of them are scripts. I'm super big into theater, so I've been involved in a lot of plays. All of those are just some old scripts," Steinle explains.

Steinle has been into theater for a long time. She just recently graduated from St. Edwards where she majored in musical theater. This summer she will be performing in the Zilker play, Shrek the musical.

Steinle also had several pieces of clothing lying around on the back seats.

"The other [clothes] are for me to change because I part time live in my car. Like half of my wardrobe is in here incase i need to change for work or rehearsal or work," Steinle says.

Just searching through Steinle's car has taught a lot about who she is. It explained her interest in theater, her diet, and how se keeps her things. A car is where a person spends a lot of their time, so i can teach a lot about them.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Movie review preview

Neighbors 2: Sorority rising: EW review

1) Entertainment Weekly
2) Leah Greenblatt
3) 7
4) It still has lots of hilarious moments that will make you laugh
5) It never really has any heartfelt moments and is only ever raunchy
6) The girls never develop cohesive personalities, and the slapstick-heavy script—credited, tellingly, to five different writers—quickly tosses out any semblance of pacing, pinballing from one raunchy punchline to the next. (The goofy sweetness of Rogen and Byrne’s interplay has also been sidelined, and the visual gags are a lot gaggier, in both senses of the word.) You’ll probably laugh hard more than once; Sorority Rising is still rich in bikinis and bong rips and boner jokes. It just doesn’t have much heart. C+

Jane Austen Fits Whit Stillman like a glove in the witty Love & Friendship

1) AV club
2) Mike D'Angelo
3) 8
4) The cast does very well and makes the audience have a lot of laughs
5) There wasn't much of story and it lacked emotion
6) The result sounds roughly 80 percent like her and 20 percent like him, a pretty delectable ratio. What’s lacking is the deft plotting and emotional complexity of Austen’s great works. There really isn’t much of a story here—the main question is whether Reginald will heed his sister’s warnings regarding Lady Susan or fall into her trap, and he’s too ill-defined as a character for the answer to seem consequential. It’s fun to watch Lady Susan bulldoze her way through 18th-century propriety, but an entire film of wry breeziness is a bit like a seven-course meal that’s all sumptuous desserts. There’s a reason why Austen left this manuscript in the trunk.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

CE 6.3

1) they had a counter sue an showed the video footage contradicting what the pastor said
2) The baby bison died, because people had interfered with it, assuming that it needed help, and when the rangers tried to bring it back, the mother had rejected it and it had to be put to sleep
3) Designs or icons that can be added to a picture when you're in that certain location to show where you are
4) He doesn't normally invest in the technology area so it was strange and unordinary
5) 1) captain america 2) jungle book 3) money monster 4) the darkness 5) mother's day

1) I would rather visit Harry Potter world because I'v always been so invested in it by reading the books and watching all of the movies. With it just being Harry potter world and not focused on a bunch like Disney world, it has so many of the detailed things that are in the series that you can buy and feel a part of Hogwarts.
2) The competition is eating up , because harry potter world is beginning to make more money and threatening Disney World
3) My favorite Disney Character is is Woody from toy story because I love those movies and he's aways been my favorite because he has been the leader of them forever
4) I would belong to Gryffindor, because I would obviously want to follow in the footsteps of the greatest wizards ever.

Merger Photo

Friday, May 13, 2016

HDR photo

Merger photo

1) you could not spread out enough in each different picture and get some of you in another picture too
2) Out front in front of the wall
3) stand at different heights
4) not really anything would change the difficulty because its pretty easy to do

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Final Exam Planning

1. When will you shoot this assignment?
Next weekend
2. Where will you shoot?
My house
3. What will you be documenting or telling your "story" about?
Making a brownie bomb (dessert) 
4. What equipment needs will you have to get this finished?
brownie mix, ice cream, oven, freezer, camera, microphone, iMovie 
5. Make sure to describe the process, by this I mean, where will you use the video portion, where will you use still images, where will your narration be, etc?
I'm going to start with Pictures of the brownie mix and then adding the ingredients into it with a new picture for each new ingredient. I'll then stir the mix and that'll be a small video. Then I'll put them in the oven with probably a small video. I'll take them out again with a small video and show mushing them into the bowl with several pictures of mushing more and more to the sides. After that's done, I'll take the cream out and add a scoop with each new picture. Then I'll put it in to freezer and wait over night. The next day I'll take it out and add hot fudge with a video of pouring it and adding sprinkles and whip cream. I'll end with cutting a side and taking the first bite.

Monday, May 9, 2016

HDR photography intro

1) In between each shot, you'll have to change the exposure manually
2) Camera, tripod, HDR photo blending software
3) To show accurately in a picture what the scene really looked like from your eyes
4) We can see a much more sharp photo and the different amounts of light or color in different parts of the picture 

Movie review project

Captain Phillips review
In the movie 'Captain Phillips,' Tom Hanks plays the main character, Captain Phillips as the captain of the ship Maersk Alabama. The plot of the movie starts with Captain Phillips getting ready to go on a trip to Africa to transport food and cargo to the people there. Phillips arrives at his ship and they take off for the African coast. Not too long into the journey, he speaks with his righthand man, Shane Murphy, played by Michael Chernus, and they talk about the area they'll be traveling through which includes a spot containing lots of piracy along the Somali coast. They soon spotted two small boats following them. The pirates caught up to them and used ladders to aboard the ship. The pirates soon got to the Captain and had guns up to them demanding money. The crew eventually got ahold of the head pirate, Muse, played by Barkhad Abdi, and demanded to have their captain in exchange. The pirates agreed, and they would leave in a lifeboat on the ship, but during the trade they pushed Phillips in their ship and took off. In the lifeboat, the others pirates, Bilal, played by Barkhad Abdirahman, Najee, played by Faysal Ahmed, and Elmi, played by Mahat M. Ali, follow Muse's directions to keep Phillips alive to get more money from the US in exchange. This movie not only shows Phillips weakness, but also the pirates at the core and that it was something they had to do for survival. A theme showed in this movie would definitely just be the competition for survival in such poor countries like Somalia. This movie would fit viewers 13 and up, because it can get very intense and sad in ways that kids younger than 13 may not understand the whole extremity of it. This movie is very intense and really shows in the scenes how brutal the events really were. The ensemble effort sets it all up to make the audience feel as though they are there witnessing the event. It is a great film that hit me hard with lots of emotion. If I had to rate it, I would give it a 10 out of 10.

CE 6.2

1) 56 percent
2)a provision that says a license holder carrying a semi-automatic handgun on campus cannot have a chambered round of ammunition. 
3) If he stays there, the Mexican gov is risking that he could escape and if he did that would be horrible on the Mexican gov
4) A camera connected to an app for owners to check on and play with their pets while they're away from home.
5) nyquist

Yes, I have used Lyft and Uber both. I've used them many times with my friends to get places when no parents are available. Some experiences were better than others where the drivers were more friendly and engaged in conversation whereas others were just silent, or some had snacks for grabs or chargers, but really at the end of the day i didn't really care because we had a ride to where we wanted to go. I think ride share is a very good thing for our community, because it can help the citizens get to places if they don't have rides which is a huge help seeing as how big our city is, so walking isn't normally an option. It also can help on nights when people can't drive themselves home because they've been drinking, so it can prevent accidents happening because people will have another option to get home. Using the ride sharing opposed to taxis is nicer, because it's just linked to your credit or debit card, so you never even have to worry about having cash on you. You can also see who your driver is so that you know your getting in the right car and that your driver is someone your comfortable with. I don't think they should be held to the same standards regarding safety, because the ride sharing shows you the car you're getting into, your driver and what they're rated so that you can know a little who you're riding with.