Monday, November 30, 2015

Feature Story Notes

1) How did you first feel after Chattanooga(first race)?
"I felt sad. I felt disappointed. I felt like I failed. I felt angry too."
2) How did you learn to cope with your accident?
"I basically decided that there wasn't an alternative, so I either had to learn from it or say I suck and live with that."
3) Are you thankful for that experience?
4) Where did you have your accident? (what part of the race)
"I was at mile 60 on the bike going through a water stop."
5) After remembering what happened how did you feel?
I felt overjoyed that I remembered and didn't just pass out. I felt grateful that that girl saw me. I cried."
6) Do you think it affected your race in PCB(Panama City Beach)? How?
"Yes, of course it was affected. I was more cautious on the bike. I was  more aware that its not 100% me but up to God. I was more grateful to finish. I was thankful to be there. It definitely made me more cautious, but it made me more grateful. It definitely made me more empathetic towards the people that don't finish."
7) Did your perspectives change?
"Yeah, I mean I think no matter what happens to you changes your perspective on things. Before doing an ironman and finishing is different, too. I definitely felt more thankful. It made me understand more about lots of stuff. I mean things that you don't think are gonna happen, happen."
8) Have your feelings about it all changed now that you've finished PCB and you're officially an ironman?
"Well I mean I'm still sad i didn't finish. My plan was to finish Chattanooga first. I mean I'm still sad, but my experiences are what are going to help me in life."
9) Did you feel more prepared for one or the other? 
"Yeah, I felt more prepared for Chattanooga."
10) How did you feel after completing PCB?
"Awesome, happy, relieved."
11) Did it scare you to do another ironman?
"Yes, I didn't want to fail again."
12) How did you turn it into motivation?
"I mean what's the alternative? I mean really. hat's what I tell myself."
13) Did completing several marathons before this race help to complete an ironman?
"Yes of course, because I have a good mind set of it all, you know?'
14) Do you think doing iron mans really takes devotion?
15) How has this helped you think of how to do your future iron mans?
"I think because it helps you to know that nothing is guaranteed, and you just do your best and wait for the outcome."
16) Are you wanting to do more iron mans after your experiences with the one you've done?
17) What is your opinion on iron mans as a whole?
"Fantastic. The training and the race are very symbolic of life. Life is hard, but it's rewarding, and you don't know what to expect. Sometimes, you don't get what you want, but you wait, and then it's always worth it."
18)Why do you think you have such a passion for doing them?
"Because I like the exercise, and I like to push myself, and I like to work for something that's not easy."
19) How do you feel about having such an accomplishment of completing an ironman?
"I feel proud. I feel proud of myself."
20) Do you think part of that feeling is what makes you want to continue doing iron mans?

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Interview Checklist

1) my mom/Shelley
2) My sister, her coach(Steve)
3) Completing her ironman or maybe how her first experience where she couldn't finish because of an accident affected how she felt/did in her most recent ironman
4) Built on good quotes

  1. How did you first feel after Chattanooga(first race)?
  2. How did you learn to cope with your accident?
  3. Are you thankful for that experience?
  4. Where did you have your accident? (what part of the race)
  5. After remembering what happened how did you feel?
  6. Do you think it affected your race in PCB(Panama City Beach)? How?
  7. Did your perspectives change?
  8. Have your feelings about it all changed now that you've finished PCB and you're officially an ironman?
  9. Did you feel more prepared for one or the other? 
  10. How did you feel after completing PCB?
  11. Did it scare you to do another ironman?
  12. How did you turn it into motivation?
  13. Did completing several marathons before this race help to complete an ironman?
  14. Do you think doing iron mans really takes devotion?
  15. How has this helped you think of how to do your future iron mans?
  16. Are you wanting to do more iron mans after your experiences with the one you've done?
  17. What is your opinion on iron mans as a whole?
  18. Why do you think you have such a passion for doing them?
  19. How do you feel about having such an accomplishment of completing an ironman?
  20. Do you think part of that feeling is what makes you want to continue doing iron mans?
6) Steve: her coach

  1. Do lots of people have accidents during Ironmans?
  2. What did you first think when you heard Shelley crashed?
  3. Were you proud to hear she's still doing another?
  4. Did you ever feel it was your fault in training before you knew the details?
  5. Did learning about the crash make you think you have more to train?

Anna: her daughter

  1. What was your first thought when you heard about the accident?
  2. Were you scared for her to do another?
  3. How did you feel once she completed PCB?
  4. Does seeing her do it make you want to complete one?
  5. Are you glad you got to witness all that she wen through with every step of each ironman to see her finish?
7) An ironman is 140.6 miles
swim: 2.4mi  bike: 112mi  run: 26.2
She has completed a marathon before

8) Over the break

9) At my moms house

10) Take notes and record

Current Events Quiz

1) Keeping witnesses from talking about it to the public
2) Protesting for better academic experiences for black people
3) Clemson, Alabama, Ohio State, Notre Dame
4) Madison, Wisconsin, Fort Collins and Boulder, Colorado, Portland, Oregon, Davis, California
5) Star Wars Episode IV: Return of the Jedi, Lord of the Rings: return of the king, Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part II, Harry Potter and the Deathly hallows: Part II

1) I disagree with their decision to not have it checked, because people have found mistakes. If there was no complaints, it would be different.
2) No, I don't. They were very mistreated and they should be explained about that.
3) Maybe a mixture, because you need different group to view it in different ways.
4) Yes, I do. I haven't ever pointed out any mistakes or seen something that could be offensive.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Feature Writing Preview

1) It goes into more detail and the paragraphs are shorter.
2) A lot of information was given in the first and then in the others they went into a lot more detail
3)  Yes
4) yes
5) Ted williams, Kevin McLoughlin, Doral Chenoweth III, Ken Andrews, Tony Florentino, Shane Cormier, Frank Wilson, Patrick Harris
6) "We're on pins and needles," Florentino said. "I think he really has no idea how big this is going to be." because it shows that he does't even really know how good he is and what a success he will be.
7) 33
8) 762
9) They connect to show that just one voice could become something huge.
10) to leave the reader hoping and wondering
11) I found it more interesting after I watched the video.
12) yes
13) I got why everyone made a fuss over this guy
14) I think so, yes.
15) yes
16) by writing quotes that everyone recognizes

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

peer reflection #2

1) Maya
2) Social Media
3) "I think that social media can be a fun way to keep in touch with friends, and a place of self expression for our ideas."
4) Yes, because it can be used for bullying or waste time.
5) no
6) no
7) 1st
8) yes

peer reflection #1

1) luke w
2) Allowances
3) "I firmly believe that they are a necessary to a middle school to the end of high school where the person should get a job."
4) yes, that people could become lazy if they don't have to work for it
5) no
6) no
7) 1st
8) yes, because they gave their opinion

Sunday, November 8, 2015

social media

Social media is the center of today's society. It helps people be aware of what is happening around the world. At least, that's how they were created at first. Nowadays people just use it to post about random stuff, and many people get hurt from social media. Social media has become too big of a problem and should not be used too often.

It is scientifically proven that people more insecure tend to be on social media all the time, because they try to seek attention. They want people to tell them they are pretty or they're awesome when really, social media just makes it worse. I know from experience that when you go on social media you see other people and automatically think they're prettier, more popular, etc. the thing is, they aren't. These people, mostly girls, go onto social media and just start to feel more and more insecure. It's a tumbling hill rolling downwards, and it's not helping them.

There is a type of bullying named after the people doing it online. Cyber bullying is a serious issue. It is actually the "most common online risk for all teens and is a peer to peer risk" according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. Cyber bulling has been more hurtful and effective to teens in a very negative way. So, we're putting insecure teens on social media where there is the worst kind of bullying, and not expecting them to become more insecure? That's pretty dumb if you ask me.

I get how many people wouldn't realize how much it can affect kids and their life. The parents of today  did't grow up with this huge pull towards social media, and don't realize it has to do with everything. Kids nowadays spend their lives on social media, and even if they don't start out insecure, many grow a little insecure because of social media.

Social media is actually the cause of many suicides, and it makes sense. These insecure people join things they assume to be fun, and they are bullied and see others and think even less of themselves. They then continue to stay on social media and lose more and more self love until they are convinced that they aren't loved by anyone and they believe it would be better to die than live. That's an extreme case, but they sadly happen.

Cyber bullies are normally insecure also. It's proven that many need for excessive attention because of lowered self esteem of low levels of self love or self worth They seek attention through hurting others. They have their fame and glory over the internet, and they realize they are noticed through being mean, so they continue to do it.

Social media can hurt people by changing the way they feel about themselves in negative ways. People should start taking this into consideration and spend less time on social media to live a better and confident life.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Peer Reflection #2

1) Sophie Wolfe
2) her opinion of same sex marriage
3) "Recently, gay marriage was legalized in the United States. Many people around the US celebrate, but if you're like me' I was not really partying around with them. I am a christian, and I believe what the bible says."
4) Yes, they said that they believe christians are hypocritical because people still get divorced and no judgement
5) No, she clearly stated what she believed
6) no
7) 1st

Peer Reflection #1

1) Joseph K
2) over and under protective parents
3) "My opinion is that the amount of protectiveness parents have in today's world is off and can be focused better."
4) Yes, if they were over protective it's just hard because they get paranoid, but for under protective, there wasn't really an explanation, just bad parenting
5) No, he was not wishy washy.
6) no
7) 1st