Thursday, March 24, 2016

Other high school newspapers

1) I like the tiger hunt, because they turned the picture black and white but stood out their subject in color
2) he tiger print, because of the color in the black and white
3) Let me speak,because it is very simple across the page but means a lot
4) 2
5) their subtitles reach the end of the column
6) they place them in different patterns on how many columns they take up and where they put their big photo or no photo at all
7) yes, somewhat similar, but a lot of the titles on the ones around the world stood out more to me

Newspaper Introduction

1) I like the Marshfield, WI newspaper cover, because it incorporated several photos to form the cover photo
2) The Storm closes schools, disrupts lives interested me, because its not really what we get a lot here in austin about snow storms and its interesting to read about in my opinion
3) 3
4) majority have one biggest photo on the first story and they have a one column story to the side along with one or two others below the first
5) The different titles have different fonts, and some have bigger size fonts for titles and subtitles

Monday, March 21, 2016

Spring Break

The friday we got out of school I went over to my friends house where we had a bonfire and just hung out to celebrate the beginning of spring break. I also felt absolutely horrible, because I decided to eat all of the most unhealthy food in the world in those couple hours of the night. The next day I decided to try a juice cleanse because of my horrible eating the night before which lasted about 3 hours where I joined my friends at them mall and ate good food. Some advice: don't do juice cleanses. They're terrible. I had accepted that I was going to do a lot of eating on this break. I mean why not? It can be a break from healthy eating too. That night my friends and I hung out and stayed up for one of my friends birthday. The next day, a group of friends got together and went on a boat on the lake for my friends birthday. It was so much fun. It was super relaxing really which was great, because I had been going and going so it was nice to jut rest in the sun. The water was very, very cold, but I numbed up to it along with some others that could stand staying in the water. Majority of the day though was just resting on the boat. We just listened to music, and surprise surprise: we ate more food. After the boat fun, we drove to Hulu Hut and yes food. It was fun to catch up with some friends from other schools. After dinner, we drove back to the birthday girl's house and hung out with a couple more people to continue the celebration. The next day I went home for a little since I had not been home since friday, and my mom likes to remember I exist every once in a while. I just hung out there for the day and then met up with my friend and walked to the 360 bridge which was supposed to be followed by us going camping, but apparently you aren't allowed to go camping in a greenbelt, so since parents exist, the plans fell through and I just ended up meeting some new friends and then going home to my friends house. The next day, my mom came and picked me up and we went to an event at SXSW that her friend puts on every year. It was actually a really fun time. I hadn't seen her friend in years, and he used to be a regular in my life, so it was fun to catch up and see him. Other than that, I heard a couple awesome new bands which I added to my spotify before I even got home. Once we got back home, my mom made us dinner, and I showed her my favorite movie. I don't really think she liked it as much as I wanted her to, but since she's my mother she had to tell me she loved it to make me feel good. The next day, my oldest brother picked me up and took me to lunch. Ever since he got married in December, I haven't been able to see him as much. I discovered one of my new favorite sandwiches and had a nice talk with him. My relationship with each of my siblings is very different and unique, and mine and my oldest brother is very silly, but my brother can be very serious, so it's fun to make sure we still have those rare moments of serious. I then went to my friends house and just hung out and learned of a new TV show to add to my never-ending list of shows that I'll probably never get to watch fully through. That night, I went home to my dad's since I hadn't seen them since before break started and it was already half way over. Once I got home, I resumed my Harry Potter marathon that I had started when I was sick a week before when FreeForm played all 8 of the movies, and I just now had more time to watch the rest. By the end of the night, I had one more movie to go. The next day, I went to kayaking with some friends and learned that kayaking is not some of my friends specialty after watching an hour of them zig zagging across the water. We then went back to my friend's house and cancelled our meet up plans to watch movie with some friends and had them over instead because of the insanely loud storm going on outside. My parents then picked me up again that night, and I finished my last Harry Potter movie. Then next day nothing really happened until that night where I went to my friend's who threw a little end of spring break party. The next morning I went to church and then to a family friend's wedding. It was super fun to finally see them together after routing for them for three years. I then had to sleep early because of the dreadful remembrance of something I had never thought about all break. School.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Magazine Peer Review

a) daily life by darcy k
b) I like that its a silhouette. it really stands out to me, and the text color works well with the picture
c) you could make your title larger because there's lots of room for it to be even bigger, and you could  maybe make your subtitles bolder to pop more
d) I liked that the main subject is just a silhouette so a large portion is black, but it stands out because its so light behind
e) yes yes and yes
f) yes because the picture interests me but i would more likely there was a bigger title
g) yes

Magazine Peer Review

a) Austin Dog monthly by katie ash
b) I like the picture that was chosen, and that the subtitles give page numbers
c) maybe make a couple more of the subtitles the pink color too to balance it out or just keep them all orange
d) that there was a dog on the cover and dogs interest me because they're something I like
e) Yes yes and yes
f) yes, just because dog interest me

Magazine Peer Review

a) musical minds
b) the colors used for text fit well, the title wraps behind the head
c) maybe use a different color on the bottom red writing, because its hard to read "live"
d) I really liked the color use. It all fit really well and was kind of like a spring feel and I liked it
e) yes yes and yes
f) yes, the title stands out really well and the color is a pretty color that is different too for people to notice
g) yes portrait

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

CE 5.1

1) Clinton- 67% and Cruz- 41%
2) 600
3) supporting the phase 3 trail, and expand with other new drugs
4) 6th annual republic of jack party and Jack Allens kitchen
5) Baylor girls beat UT girls, Kansas boys beat UT boys

1) No, I don't think it is right, because first of all the company belongs to Apple, so they are the ones in control of their products. Also, that is a major invasion of privacy into a hue majority of the US, and citizens should feel free to  be comfortable and not worried because it's possible for people to see what they do on their phone.
2) No, i wouldn't want anyone to access the information on my phone. I have conversations with people on my phone and jet for people to think that they're free to just see people's personal lives and information isn't okay.
3) Yes, I think if there is a very big case where the FBI is trying to find information, then they can look on someone's phone if they are a suspect for being guilty. I think it kind of depends on situations.
4) No, my parents don't really check my phone. They trust me for the most part.
5) No, I don't think parents should do that to their children. I think that parents should be able to trust their child, because then the kid can feel like their parents do trust them because if straight off the bat a parent doesn't trust their kd, the kid can be hurt by it. I think if the kid were to show reason to why their parent shouldn't treat them, then I think it would be okay.
6) I think the age is getting younger and younger nowadays because technology is becoming a bigger thing, but I would say getting a phone should be like middle school. The kids still need time to experience some childhood before diving into their phones all day.